Carly Harrill, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Tue, 04 Apr 2023 20:12:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Healthy Breakfast Boosts You Probably Didn't Know Come from Oatmeal Mon, 27 Sep 2021 05:00:49 +0000 Whether you look to the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, or the surgeon general, the recommendation is clear: breakfast is not a meal worth skipping. It’s the meal of champions and our first source of the day’s energy and nutrients. Extensive research shows that healthy breakfast foods help to improve your concentration and performance, gives you more […]

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Whether you look to the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, or the surgeon general, the recommendation is clear: breakfast is not a meal worth skipping. It’s the meal of champions and our first source of the day’s energy and nutrients. Extensive research shows that healthy breakfast foods help to improve your concentration and performance, gives you more strength and endurance to meet the day’s challenges, lowers your cholesterol levels, and may even contribute to weight loss by speeding up your metabolism.

But, as more studies continue to unveil, what you put into your mouth for that critical meal may be equally as important.

“If you eat something refined, like an overly sweet cinnamon roll, that’s the worst thing you can eat,” says Judy Caplan, a registered dietitian nutritionist for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “You get an insulin [spike], and [then] your blood sugar drops too low so you get hungry again. That’s why people get into a cycle of overeating junk.”

So, once we adopt this virtue of eating a healthy breakfast when we rise, the real question is: what should we eat? A bowl of cereal, maybe. Perhaps, a green juice or smoothie. How about a steamy bowl of oats? Yes, experts are now trumpeting oatmeal as “the perfect breakfast.” Here are five reasons why you should start your morning off with oatmeal.

Reason #1: Fills You Up

A bowl of oatmeal is full of soluble fiber – roughly 4 grams per cup. Soluble fiber absorbs a lot of water, which slows down the digestive process. As a result, you will feel full longer and will be less likely to overeat or consume junk foods at lunch.

Reason #2: Fights Bad “LDL” Cholesterol

Oatmeal contains heart-healthy compounds and fiber that could also result in lower cholesterol, specifically the bad “LDL” variety. In fact, dozens of studies show that boosting your intake of soluble fiber by 5 to 10 grams each day could result in a 5-percent drop in bad cholesterol, which can lower your risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Reason #3: Helps You Lose Weight

Oatmeal’s proclaimed weight loss benefits appear to be authentic. First, as mentioned, the fiber in a bowl of oatmeal makes you feel fuller longer, thereby curbing calorie intake throughout the remainder of the day. Secondly, oatmeal contains “slow-releasing” carbohydrates, which may help you burn more fat if eaten a few hours before exercise, according to a study in the Journal of Nutrition. A recent 18-year study from researchers at the University of Minnesota has also shown that people who eat breakfast every day gained 4 pounds fewer than those who skipped breakfast.

benefits of eating oatmeal

Reason #4: Reduces The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

The soluble fiber in oats helps to control blood glucose levels, which may reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association even recommends people with diabetes eat oats or oatmeal.

Reason #5: It’s Quick

Sure, grabbing a breakfast bar is the quickest route to fueling your body, but quick-cooking (instant) oatmeal can be made in less than 5 minutes; old-fashioned oats can be prepped on the stovetop in 10 to 15 minutes. It’s one of the quickest yet healthiest breakfasts you can eat.

Oatmeal: Instant or Steel-Cut Oats?

While any type of oatmeal is a healthy breakfast choice, steel-cut oats contain more fiber than the instant varieties. To prepare, bring one cup of water or milk (or milk alternative such as almond or coconut) to a boil in a small saucepan. Stir in ½ cup steel-cut oats and reduce heat for 1 minute. Cover and let sit for 2 to 3 minutes.

When buying instant oatmeal, try and avoid the flavored varieties, which can be chock-full of sugar and artificial flavors. To sweeten up your oats, add toasted nuts, fruit, or foods high in monounsaturated fats like nut butter or ground flaxseed.

add to your oatmeal

Image via Rachel Hathaway

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6 Healthy Alternatives to Processed Foods You Can Make At Home Tue, 21 Apr 2020 05:00:37 +0000 As a culture that is always on the go, it’s hard to imagine where our lives would be without ready-made processed foods. They save us money, headaches and make it possible to schlep from work to picking the kids up from school to soccer practice without starving. They’re called “convenience foods” for a reason. But […]

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As a culture that is always on the go, it’s hard to imagine where our lives would be without ready-made processed foods. They save us money, headaches and make it possible to schlep from work to picking the kids up from school to soccer practice without starving. They’re called “convenience foods” for a reason. But as convenient as they may be, healthy they are not. Store-bought, processed foods are packed with empty calories, added sugars, sodium, artificial preservatives, and plenty of other ingredients disguised under fancy scientific names. And while the “all-natural” pre-packaged foods you find at natural health retailers often use much healthier, safer ingredients, even they call on preservatives to maintain shelf life and ingredients to woo your taste buds.

Read more about The Scary Seven 

Does this mean you should completely give up processed foods? No, my friend. In fact, you would be setting yourself up for failure. But, you can start to limit your consumption of processed foods by-get this-making them from scratch! There are a number of commonly consumed processed foods that can easily be whipped up using healthier ingredients in your pantry. Not only will you know exactly what ingredients are in the resulting product, but it’s also a culinary adventure. (Imagine the amusement when you tell dinner guests that the salad dressing they are pouring over their mixed greens is a homemade concoction!)

Here are a few processed foods you can make healthier versions of at home:

1. Pasta Sauce

Many canned or jarred pasta sauces are high in sodium and contain added sugar to dress up your pasta. Skip the processed version and make your own. Chop or purée fresh, organic tomatoes in a food processor or blender and sauté in a pan with minced garlic, olive oil, pepper, sea salt, and whatever other vegetables or herbs tickle your taste buds. You can store any leftover sauce in a glass jar in the refrigerator for leftovers, or store in the freezer if you plan to use it at a later date.

Read more about tomatoes

2. Salad Dressing

During your next journey to the grocery store, make a point to review the label of some of your favorite salad dressings. Maltodextrin, modified food starch, corn syrup solids, autolyzed yeast extract, sodium chloride-these are just a few of the processed ingredients that decorate the label of a dressing marketed as “all-natural” at major grocers. Healthier dressings don’t always fare better. While some ingredients aren’t that bad, you can make a much healthier, simple alternative. Shake up some extra virgin olive oil (or whichever oil you prefer) and red wine vinegar with ingredients such as minced garlic, honey, shallots, lime or lemon juice, Dijon mustard, and dry herbs. Then put in a glass bottle with a pour able-spout. Voilà! There are literally thousands of recipes on Pinterest!

3. Ketchup

Kids love to drizzle ketchup on almost anything. While this Americanized condiment isn’t technically high in fat or calories, that bottle of sweet red stuff is loaded with artificial sugar and sodium. A homemade version is quick and easy with ingredients such as puréed tomatoes, honey, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, cayenne, garlic, onion, and cider vinegar. Again, Pinterest is again your savior here with plenty of fresh, gourmet ketchup recipes.

Alternatives to processed foods

4. Tortilla Chips 

Chuck the Tostitos! Make crunchy, healthier tortilla chips in less than an hour with just a few ingredients. You can find a slew of recipes online, like this homemade tortilla chip recipe, which just calls for sea salt, grapeseed oil (or oil of choice), limes and masa harina (fine-ground corn flour available at Mexican grocers). If making the tortillas from scratch is a bit too much work, you can also purchase corn tortillas from your local health food grocer.

Read more about snacks to avoid

5. Cereal 

Breakfast cereals are a dime a dozen. They are also conventionally packed with artificial sugar and dyes, sodium, and partially hydrogenated oils. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHT), an ingredient also found in embalming fluid and antifreeze, is commonly used to preserve freshness. (Yes, the response is: Gross.) You can easily make your own cereal mix with granola, steel-cut oats, millet, or quinoa. Not only will it make tasty breakfast cereal, but you can also use the mix as an on-the-go snack or as a topping on yogurt or ice cream. Get some make-your-own ideas with these Naturally Savvy tips and recipes.

6. Nutella

You can find 100+ processed foods that you can make at home online, but this one deserves special recognition. As proof to its popularity, one jar of Nutella is sold every 2.5 seconds across the world. This smooth, rich, chocolate-hazelnut hybrid seems like a gift born from the heavens, but do you know what’s in it? The top two ingredients on the label the ingredients with the highest concentration-are sugar and modified palm oil. Indulge in a much healthier, less processed version with hazelnuts (or hazelnut butter), cocoa powder, vanilla extract, coconut oil and sugar, and salt.

For more ideas of processed foods you can make at home, visit here.

Image (Nutella): Nemuneko.jc


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7 Tricks To Making Healthier New Year’s Resolutions That Stick Sat, 04 Jan 2020 06:00:23 +0000 The end of the year is a time for reflection and making peace with the things in your life you couldn’t change. Therefore, it only makes sense that the New Year would be about taking back control and tackling the things you can change in your own personal act of carpe diem. Still, while more […]

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The end of the year is a time for reflection and making peace with the things in your life you couldn’t change. Therefore, it only makes sense that the New Year would be about taking back control and tackling the things you can change in your own personal act of carpe diem. Still, while more than 40-percent of the population will make New Year's resolutions toward positive change, less than half of them will follow through within the first six months. Sadly, only 8 percent will have successfully met their goal at the one-year mark. The question is … why?

According to experts, the answer lies in how we set these goals. As a whole, we tend to make broad-sweeping, unrealistic resolutions such as “get more exercise”, “lose weight” or “drink less.” While these are great in concept, they do not offer measures of success or actionable steps in how to be successful, which ultimately leaves too much room for failure. As a result, we often give up.

As you start to map out your reinvention to a healthier you in 2023, here are a few tips to ensure success with your New Year's resolutions.

1. Make your goals measurable: Rather than make a resolution to “eat healthier” in the New Year, turn this into something measurable according to where you stand in relation to this goal. For instance, if you want to be healthier by consuming less meat, consider framing your New Year’s resolution to go meatless for lunch. Set a deadline to re-assess your healthier eating goal. If you find that you are having a difficult time achieving that goal by the set date, tweak it accordingly to avoid setting yourself up for failure. On the other hand, you can also tweak your goals to increase the challenge (i.e.: only purchase meat that is USDA certified organic).

Read more about why to kick factory-farmed meats off your plate 

2. Make your goals realistic: If you have an addiction to diet soda, do not make a New Year’s resolution to cut it entirely from your diet. Not only is this unrealistic for you, it is likely to make you (really) unhappy! Instead, look for a natural healthier version of your diet soda or swap out for herbal tea on weekdays. This will help you reach for a healthier goal more aligned with your lifestyle.

3. Make a resolution to “add” something: Too often, New Year’s resolutions revolve around eliminating things from your diet or life. Adopt a glass-half-full mentality by making resolutions to add something. This could be a commitment to incorporate at least one veggie to every lunch and dinner or having a glass of water with every meal.

4. Create “mini” goals to achieve healthier resolutions: If you are shooting to cook more fresh, wholesome food in the New Year, outline mini-goals to help you reach your resolutions. Some examples could include:

  • Invest in healthier eating tools and gadgets such as a Vitamix, food processor, juicer, bamboo vegetable steamer, veggie spiralizer, or glass storage containers.
  • Sign you and your significant other up for a healthy cooking class.
  • Sign up for CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to have fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to your front door every few weeks. Visit to find one in your area.
  • Search the internet for healthy recipes. Just add the word "healthy" in front of your favorite meals to find a healthy version.
  • Get a Pinterest account (if you are one of the few who isn’t addicted already). Pinterest is full of simple, healthy recipes that you can “pin” now and pull up when you’re ready to make your weekly shopping list.

5. Incorporate rewards: Since most New Year’s resolutions are based on deprivation of some sort, consider weaving in rewards to better achieve your goals to be healthier. Examples include dining out on Saturdays if you followed the plan, or allowing yourself to have dessert twice a week. Rewards not only keep you motivated but they give you something to look forward to so you are more likely to stick with your goals.

Read more about how to stay motivated 

6. Make resolutions one at a time: Make one resolution at a time, starting with the one that is most important to you. They are “resolutions” for a reason: they are not easy to accomplish, otherwise, you would have already done it by now, right? According to experts, focusing on one goal may also have the trickle-down effect, helping you to accomplish other goals. "When keystone habits start to change, they set off a chain reaction that changes other habits, almost unconsciously," says the author of "The Power of Habit," Charles Duhigg."People who start habitually exercising tend on average to eat better.”

7. Accept that you will make mistakes: Chances are you are going to have a bad day and slip. Tell yourself it’s okay, and then use it as an opportunity to ask yourself why you gave in. Understanding your obstacles will help you to overcome them the next time you go to order that cheesy pizza or drink that large soda.

Read this next: 9 Biggest Fitness Trends

 Image: Kris Krug


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4 Tips for a Healthier Halloween Mon, 21 Oct 2019 05:00:22 +0000 Halloween will be here before you can say boo. To get into the spirit, we’re already playing the Monster Mash in our household and trying on superhero costumes. Still, as much ghostly fun as the holiday brings, Halloween can conflict with everything we do all year long to protect our children from sugar-laden foods and […]

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Halloween will be here before you can say boo. To get into the spirit, we’re already playing the Monster Mash in our household and trying on superhero costumes. Still, as much ghostly fun as the holiday brings, Halloween can conflict with everything we do all year long to protect our children from sugar-laden foods and harmful ingredients. For one, childhood obesity has tripled in the past 30 years. Artificial dyes and sweeteners, which make up much of those candy treats, have been linked to hyperactivity, behavioral problems in kids, and even cancer. Then to top it all off, candy makes our kids more prone to “zombie mouths,” an epidemic that has dentists today seeing a scary number of preschoolers at all income levels with six to 10 cavities or more.

To illustrate just how much junk our kids consume on Halloween, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta estimates that the average child accumulates roughly 4,800 calories, one-and-a-half cups of fat, and three cups of sugar-in just one jaunt to 15 houses. On the high end, our kids are getting up to a ghoulish 7,000 calories in one trick-or-treat outing, according to Donna K. Arnett, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Alabama-Birmingham’s School of Public Health.

All things considered, it’s not fun to be ghoul about Halloween so here are some fun tips for moms to make it a healthier Halloween:

Healthier Halloween Tip #1:

Feed the kids before they go trick-or-treating. By filling them up with something healthier prior to sending them door-to-door on Halloween, you will discourage unnecessary snacking on candy.

Healthier Halloween Tip #2:

Throw out the bright colors. Bright-colored candy equals artificial food dyes, which are made from petroleum and have been linked to attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), among other behavioral issues. In the UK, food products and candy that contain artificial food dyes are required to have a warning label.

Healthier Halloween Tip #3:

Moderation is key. No mom wants to take the fun out of Halloween. Let them have a few pieces of candy the night of Halloween and limit to one piece after a healthier dinner for the next week. Make sure you hide the candy in a place where they can’t easily find it.

Healthier Halloween Tip #4:

Give them candy without all the toxic ingredients. Pass out healthier candy that tastes just as good but without all the harmful ingredients. Here are some candy alternatives that will make you a poster mom for your neighborhood’s health:

  • Surf Sweets offers a wide variety of gluten-free, organic gummies, sour bears and jelly beans plus a Halloween Treat in spooky shapes. Not only are their candies delicious, but they also donate a minimum of 1% of sales to good causes.
  • YumEarth treats parents and kids to individually wrapped organic lollipops, sour drops, and gummy bears made with real fruit extracts and sustainable ingredients.
  • Glee Gum makes gum pops and Mini Glee Variety Packs of their natural chewing gum. It is free of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and sweeteners, and their gum is Non-GMO Project Verified.
  • Check out MadeGood Snacks. They have a box of mini granola bars special for Halloween. Plus, your kids will never know there is a hidden serving of veggies.

Just remember that, for kids, Halloween is still one of the most exciting days of the year! It’s meant to be a retreat from the norm, and for parents, it can be healthy to look at it as such. As long as you set some ground rules that your family can agree on, your children can still get their treat and eat it too.

Image via Mike McCune

More Halloween ideas and recipes:

Pumpkins: Trick or Treat? 7 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Pumpkins But Should

Pumpkin Cinnamon Walnut Pancakes Recipe

9 Healthy Reasons You Should Love Pumpkin Seeds

Made Good Halloween Snacks


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6 Back-To-School Tips For Healthier Kids Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:45:13 +0000 Image via State Farm It all happens so quickly. One minute you’re dropping the kids off at day camp and the next you’re sitting in an aisle of your local drugstore staring at the shiny new binders, No. 2 pencils, and superhero-themed backpacks. Whether it’s your child’s first day of kindergarten or they’re entering the […]

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Image via State Farm

It all happens so quickly. One minute you’re dropping the kids off at day camp and the next you’re sitting in an aisle of your local drugstore staring at the shiny new binders, No. 2 pencils, and superhero-themed backpacks.

Whether it’s your child’s first day of kindergarten or they’re entering the sixth grade, it’s important for parents to consider the health implications that plague the school environment. From school lunch to art supplies to industrial cleaning products, the place your child goes to learn is fraught with health hazards and toxic chemical exposures that could present harm during a crucial stage of development.

According to a recent report published by the nationwide Coalition for Healthier Schools, entitled "Towards Healthy Schools 2015", “All school children should be considered at elevated risk of health and learning difficulties due solely to the unexamined risks in their school.”

What’s a concerned mom to do? For starters, parents can make safer choices that exercise their purchasing power and become active participants in advocating for change at the school level. Here are a few simple things parents can do to create a healthy environment for children this back-to-school season.

1. Say No to Antibacterial Hand Sanitizers
Many of the cheap antibacterial hand sanitizers found at the supermarket (and highly marketed during back-to-school time at the checkout counter) contain triclosan, a chemical linked to hormone disruption and cancer. Studies show that antibacterial productsare no more effective than washing with soap and water, so skip them altogether. It’s also good to talk with school faculty and request they eliminate the use of conventional antibacterial products on school grounds for the same reason.

2. Raise Questions About Cleaning Products
Roughly 25% of the chemicals found in school cleaning products have been linked to cancer, asthma, rashes, and learning disabilities. While awareness is growing around greener and safer alternatives, start the conversation by asking faculty what cleaning products are used in the school or daycare setting. Regardless of the regulations or municipal laws that govern your child’s school district, parents can encourage the use of green cleaning products that are third-party certified as safe and healthy.

3. Encourage Safety During Art Time
Markers, felt pens, watercolor paints, and clays often contain and release heavy-duty environmental toxins such as phthalates, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), solvents, and artificial dyes. Since art time is key to a child’s learning process, parents should talk to teachers this back to school season about taking extra precaution while art supplies are in use. These include putting away all food and beverages, opening a window, requiring kids to wear a smock, and making sure they wash their hands before returning to the next lesson.

4. Join (or Start!) A School Lunch Committee
By joining a school lunch committee or group, parents can be a powerful force in school lunch reform. Start by joining your child for lunch so you can get well acquainted with the current school lunch and snack options, cafeteria layout, restraints, and kitchen workers. Work with other parents and school faculty members who care about healthy food alternatives to brainstorm innovative options such as salad bar grants, vending machines, and school garden programs. If you lack the time to get more involved, educate yourself on packing healthier (and safer) school lunch options.

5. Purchase PVC-Free School Supplies
In a 2012 investigation, the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) found that 80% of kid’s back-to-school supplies contained phthalates—chemicals that have been banned in children’s toys for links to asthma, birth defects, and hormone disruption. Purchase PVC-free school supplies made of safer materials to protect your little one’s health. Visit to download the Back-to-School Guide to PVC-free School Supplies.

6. Promote Healthy Air Circulation
Because toxic chemicals become concentrated in closed environments like classrooms, ask teachers to open a window. It’s the simplest and most affordable action faculty can take to create a safer, healthier classroom. If done on a regular basis, opening a window for even five minutes a day can help improve poor air quality due to the common use of industrial cleaners, air fresheners, and combustion devices.

Do you have any helpful tips this back-to-school season? Share with us!

READ MORE: 5 Places Plastic is Hiding in Your Home >>

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5 Self Tanner Products For A Non-Toxic Glow Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:36:34 +0000 As we head into bikini season, many of us are contemplating how we’re going to magically transform that pasty white figure into one that resembles a warm, tropical glow. Self tanner products are often a popular choice. With skin cancer claiming one in every three cancer diagnoses and indoor tanning beds increasing our chances of […]

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As we head into bikini season, many of us are contemplating how we’re going to magically transform that pasty white figure into one that resembles a warm, tropical glow. Self tanner products are often a popular choice.

With skin cancer claiming one in every three cancer diagnoses and indoor tanning beds increasing our chances of developing melanoma by 20 percent, our options are limited.

But thanks to the invention of self tanning products, we no longer have to stress about our summer debuts. With just a squirt of bronze solution and a quick, thorough rubdown, we are now one step closer to Brazilian model material without exposing our sensitive skin to the sun’s harmful rays. Plus, a healthy summer glow can help to hide skin imperfections, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and even make us look thinner (score!).

Still, while it seems that self tanner products solve a huge conundrum for humankind, the ingredients that make up many conventional products present yet another one: exposing us to harsh chemicals that are not-so-good for human health.

Popular self tanner formulas are known to contain a toxic soup of potentially harmful chemicals added to stabilize or preserve for a longer shelf life. Many products contain parabens, a type of synthetic preservative linked to breast cancer, and oxybenzone, a chemical that messes with our hormones and may actually increase our risk of skin cancer. Some self tanner formulations even contain ingredients known to release formaldehyde as they break down, such as diazolidinyl urea and DMDM hydantoin.

Read more about healthy summer skin

A yucky situation indeed, conscious manufacturers have started to sense a need for something less toxic, making our pool of options much deeper. Here are a few self tanner products that are sure to make this summer a hit.

* Indicates vegan product

Chocolate Sun Absolute Sun Sunless Tanning Cream*, $40. This hydrating sunless tan cream uses green tea to fight the aging process and offers a deep, rich color that won’t make you look like an Oompa Loompa all summer long. Visit

Lavera Self Tanning Lotion*, $32. Named by Elle Magazine as the 2013 Green Self Tanner of the Year, Lavera’s Self Tanning Lotion is made with natural, certified organic ingredients, and essential oils. It takes the cake for giving you a streak-free tan in less than three hours. Visit

Jane Iredale Tantasia Self Tanner & Bronzer*, $36. If you have fairer skin and a little more to spend, Tantasia gives you a very natural looking summer glow that increases with use. The non-greasy formula also doesn’t leave you with the sticky feeling synonymous with many self tanners. The only complaint with some users is the overly citrus smell, but others love it. You be the judge. Visit

Read more about the safest sunscreens

True Natural Self Tanner Face & Body, Light-Medium Tan*, $17.99. For those who like a happy medium, True Natural’s popular self tanner makes for a soft tan from head to toe. The cruelty-free formula also contains natural anti-aging ingredients like green tea extract and aloe vera for vibrant skin, and a fresh lavender scent from essential oils. Visit

Alba Botanica Very Emollient Sunless Tanner, $11.49. Alba Botanica’s tan-in-a-bottle isn’t as clean as can be, but it’s a healthier solution if you are looking for an affordable self tanner in a pinch. The non-greasy formula makes your skin feel nice and moisturized with no parabens or phthalates. Visit

Tip: Whichever natural self-tanner you choose, opt for a cream or lotion over spray products. Some studies have shown that the active ingredient in sunless tanners, dihydroxyacetone, or DHA, can irritate lungs and may damage DNA when inhaled. DHA has also been shown to increase the production of free radicals when exposed to the sun, which can up your risk of skin cancer. So, be smart and always apply sunscreen before going outdoors.

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5 Artificial Sweeteners that Are (Probably) Making You Fat Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:23:53 +0000 Hiding in everything from diet sodas to gum to even infant formulas, artificial sweeteners have become commonplace in pre-packaged foods. They rose to popularity in the late '70s for helping people reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke due to increased sugar intake. And when the rumor quickly spread that artificial […]

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Hiding in everything from diet sodas to gum to even infant formulas, artificial sweeteners have become commonplace in pre-packaged foods. They rose to popularity in the late '70s for helping people reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke due to increased sugar intake. And when the rumor quickly spread that artificial sweeteners may even help you shed some pounds, major food manufacturers started swapping out conventional sugar for the artificial variety to provide consumers with what they thought to be the “slimmer” choice.

But a newer article reveals that the opposite may be true. Yes, artificial sweeteners may be responsible for adding those unwanted extra pounds to your midsection.

Read more about natural sweeteners

An article published in Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, cites research papers to suggest that artificial sweeteners interfere with learned relationships in the brain’s pleasure center and hormones that regulate appetite, which may drive you to consume more sugar as a means of satisfaction. Other evidence showed that artificial sweeteners messed with the body’s ability to regulate calories based on eating something sweet. But, weight gain wasn’t the only conflicting finding to arise from the study-artificial sweeteners may actually increase your risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well.

While the verdict is still out, it’s smart to limit your intake of artificial sweeteners (and sugar altogether!). Here are a few artificial sweeteners to watch out for on the label and their potential health impacts or side effects.

1. Saccharin

Saccharin is 300 times sweeter than table sugar, but is often mixed with other artificial sweeteners due to its metallic aftertaste. For nearly 20 years, saccharin was suspected to be a human carcinogen by the U.S. National Toxicology Program, until it was de-listed in 2000 due to insufficient evidence. The warning label was subsequently removed and suddenly it was fine for consumption, though health advocates still question its safety.

Avoid: Sweet N’ Low productsand look for “saccharin” on the label.

2. Sucralose

Sucralose is a zero-calorie artificial sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than table sugar. Though it is deemed safe by the FDA, a number of reports claim that its composition makes it nearly impossible for our bodies to metabolize normally. Reported side effects include: skin rashes, agitation, dizziness, numbness, diarrhea, swelling, muscle and stomach pain, headaches, intestinal cramping, and bladder issues.

Avoid: Splenda products and look for “sucralose” on the label.

3. Acesulfame Potassium

While early studies showed a link between consumption of acesulfame potassium and cancer in laboratory animals, more scientific study on the artificial sweetener is needed. Concerns have been attributed to contamination of methylene chloride, a known human carcinogen.

Avoid: Products such as Sunett, Sweet One, and Sweet 'n Safe, and look for “acesulfame potassium,” “acesulfame-k” or “ACE” on the label.

label lessons artificial sweeteners to avoid

4. Aspartame

The uncelebrated sweetener in diet sodas, Equal and NutraSweet, aspartame is one of the most controversial ingredients in pre-packaged foods. Out of all of the complaints that come into the FDA each year, aspartame accounts for roughly 75% of them. There are 92 reported side effects, including: birth defects, diabetes, arthritis, severe PMS, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease, aggression, severe depression, and suicidal tendencies. Need I say more?

Avoid: Artificial sweetener products such as NutraSweet, Equal, Sugar Twin, Spoonful and Equal-Measure, and look for “aspartame” on the label.

Read more about aspartame

5. Neotame

The newest artificial sweetener on the block, neotame was originally introduced by corporate behemeth, Monsanto, before it sold NutraSweet. It’s chemically similar to aspartame, and like aspartame, it metabolizes into formaldehyde when consumed. But there is one big difference: neotame contains 3-dimethylbutyl, which sits on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) list of the most hazardous chemicals.

Avoid: Artificial sweetener products such as NutraSweet and Sweetos, and look for “neotame” or “neohexyl-aspartame” on the label.

NOTE: Artificial sweeteners are on our Scary Seven list of ingredients. For a list of healthier, natural sweeteners, click here.

For more information on artificial sweeteners, click here

Watch Andrea Donsky discuss how artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain:

Image: Yeah I'm Kenny

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Guar Gum: A Healthy Food Additive? Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:53:37 +0000 Ever wonder what “gum” is doing in your favorite ice cream or coconut milk? Join the club. An additive that has earned face time on more and more food labels in recent years, guar gum often gets overlooked as yet another foreign ingredient in pre-packaged foods. But, foreign doesn’t always translate as “bad for you.” A soluble […]

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Ever wonder what “gum” is doing in your favorite ice cream or coconut milk? Join the club.

An additive that has earned face time on more and more food labels in recent years, guar gum often gets overlooked as yet another foreign ingredient in pre-packaged foods. But, foreign doesn’t always translate as “bad for you.”

A soluble fiber extracted from seeds of the guar plant, guar gum is a thickener and stabilizer commonly found in beverages and food to help ingredients bind together (“gum” being the operative word here). As proof of its strength, it has eight times the thickening prowess as cornstarch. And it’s not only found in pre-packaged foods-guar gum is also offered in powder form for cooking purposes, most often in gluten-free baking.

Though the additive has been questioned for certain uses, in food, guar gum may come with quite a few health benefits. Here are a few worth noting:

1. Lowers Your Cholesterol Due to its high soluble fiber content, guar gum is thought to reduce cholesterol absorption, thereby lowering your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported 12 percent lower LDL cholesterol in male subjects receiving 15 grams of guar gum per day for six weeks.

2. Makes You Feel Full Longer 

Often used as a filler in baking recipes, guar gum slows digestion of a meal making you feel fuller for longer. For this reason, it has been touted as a natural weight loss aid by suppressing hunger pangs. While considered safe in food products, it’s important to remember that the additive should not be looked to as a diet aid. In the 1990s, the FDA banned guar gum in non-prescription diet products sold in the U.S. due to concerns of esophageal blockage after insufficient fluid intake.

Read more: Overeating. Why We Do It and How to Stop

3: Helps Relieve Constipation 

Acting as a natural laxative, guar gum has been shown to be effective in relieving constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. Studies have also shown that the additive is effective in reducing abdominal pain and diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

4: Protects Against Diabetes

Guar gum may also protect against diabetes by slowing the rate of glucose absorption. A 2012 study even found that the additive was more effective than the anti-diabetic drug Glibenclamide at lowering blood sugar levels.

5: Provides An Alternative For Gluten-Free Baking 

Both guar gum and xanthan gum are called upon often in gluten-free baking because they play a similar role as wheat, rye, and barley (a.k.a. gluten) in conventional recipes. Without it, your confectionaries and pastries would fall apart! Because xanthan gum is often derived from corn-one of the most genetically modified crops in the U.S.-guar gum provides a healthier alternative for those with gluten sensitivities. (Still, many bakers aim to use a bit of both for best results in gluten-free recipes.)

Read more: 6 Gluten-free Baking Mistakes

Things To Consider

In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported high levels of dioxins due to pesticide contamination in guar gum food products obtained from India-a large and predominant producer of guar gum. Therefore, when purchasing products that contain guar gum, it’s always best to purchase (certified) organic.

Additionally, because soy protein is an impurity in manufactured guar gum-as much as 10% of the additive-those with sensitivities to soy should be aware of potential adverse reactions.

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7 Unique Ways To Honor Earth Day… Every Day! Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:51:14 +0000 On Friday, millions of people of all races, backgrounds, and color will come together in the name of the one thing that joins us all-Mama Earth. This April 22 marks the 51st annual celebration of “Earth Day,” a worldwide event launched four decades ago in 1970 to make all Earthlings conscious of their impact on […]

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On Friday, millions of people of all races, backgrounds, and color will come together in the name of the one thing that joins us all-Mama Earth. This April 22 marks the 51st annual celebration of “Earth Day,” a worldwide event launched four decades ago in 1970 to make all Earthlings conscious of their impact on this big green planet we call home.

Some of us will do our part by volunteering, and others will commemorate Earth Day by being more conscious of their planet-harming habits, whether it’s turning off the lights before leaving a room, recycling more, or carpooling to work.

While any effort to protect the planet is honorable, what about the less obvious actions we take on a daily basis that have a negative impact on the environment?

Here are just a few simple changes we can make in our lives to be gentler on the planet-on Earth Day, and every day.

Let's Make Earth Day, Every Day!

1. Eat less meat.

Believe it or not, the vehicle that gets you to and fro is not the number one polluter of the planet-the meat on your plate is. Livestock production for meat and dairy consumption is responsible for more climate pollutants than all modes of transportation combined. For this reason, adopting a more conscious, plant-based diet, or simply eating less meat, is the single most effective thing you can do to lower your carbon footprint. Meatless Mondays, anyone?

Read more: The 7 Best Vegan Protein Sources

2. Skip the supermarket … and head to the farmers’ market.

The long hike that food requires to get from factory to big-box grocer is yet another large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. When you make a conscious effort to buy from local growers at your neighborhood farmers’ market, you limit your food’s travel from production to plate and support small-scale farms that put less stress on the planet. Local food producers also tend to embrace organic, green farming methods to make it a better option for your health, as well. Visit to find a farmers’ market near you, or join a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and get fresh, seasonal produce delivered to your door.

3. Use your dollars to support worthy companies.

Corporations are quick to capitalize on Earth Day by sticking shiny, green stickers on their products and promising to donate a percentage of each sale to an Earth-friendly cause. This practice of “greenwashing,” when manufacturers use deceptive forms of marketing to promote their products as green or healthy, has become far too common on store shelves. Therefore, one of the best things you can do to honor Earth Day is to not buy into the “green” hype. Do some research, talk to friends you trust, and invest in consumer products made by conscious companies that consider the planet and human health every day of the year.

4. Limit your paper trail.

Save yourself the headache and the Earth a slew of trees by taking all your banking and billing online. If we all viewed and paid our bills strictly online, we’d save an upward of 16.5 million trees a year. (That’s not even adjusting for all the paper saved not using up checks and stamps.) Take 30 minutes out of your weekend and make a list of all the bills and credit card statements you receive on a monthly basis via mail. Then go online and sign up to receive and pay them electronically. (Most billing statements will instruct you how to sign up for online billing.) While you’re on your green kick, cancel all the magazine subscriptions and charity donor pleas that cram up your mailbox, too. Almost everything can be done online these days.

5. Skip the bath.

There is nothing better than coming home from a long day at the office and relaxing in a nice, warm bath. But just one bath uses up to 70 gallons (264 liters) of water. If you take a shower every morning and enjoy a bath at night, you are really doing a number on the planet. Be more conscious of your environmental impact by limiting yourself to the luxury of one bath a week (or none), or setting a 3-minute timer when you’re in the shower.

6. Do less laundry.

Given the amount of energy it requires to heat up the wash water and run the dryer, our dirty laundry has a far greater impact on the environment than we would think. While energy-efficient washers and dryers do limit the damage, make a conscious effort to wear your clothes more than once if they are not dirty. Also, hang clothes out to dry instead of running the clothes dryer-each dryer can emit upwards of one ton of carbon dioxide each year, not to mention the damage it can do to your energy bill.

7. Skip the cup of Joe.

The cup of coffee that gets you all jazzed up for the day is actually a problem for the planet. In fact, a cup of coffee takes 55 gallons of water to make, with most of that water used to grow the coffee beans. If giving up coffee is too much to ask-you would not be alone-try cutting down to a cup every other day or swapping out for tea. A standard cup of tea requires about 7 gallons of water, so it's a much greener option.

If all else fails, get out in nature. There are few better ways to honor the Earth than to baste in its glory and remember why it’s so important. Plan a hike with your friends (carpool, of course), go for a jog in the hills behind your home, or plan a family picnic at your local park. Teach your kids and loved ones to appreciate nature and everything it offers.

After all, it’s the only home we have.

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4 Reasons You Should Chew Your Food More Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:40:26 +0000 Remember when your mom used to harp on you about chewing your food? You rolled your eyes. But it looks like Mom had a point. Aside from avoiding the obvious risks of choking, science shows that there are many health benefits to chewing your food properly. From better digestion to a fuller yet flatter belly, […]

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Remember when your mom used to harp on you about chewing your food? You rolled your eyes. But it looks like Mom had a point.

Aside from avoiding the obvious risks of choking, science shows that there are many health benefits to chewing your food properly. From better digestion to a fuller yet flatter belly, the practice of chewing may just change your quality of life and the way you look at food. Here are four good reasons you should chew your food more.

Reason #1: You feel satisfied. Chewing your food helps you to feel full and satiated. And when you feel full and satisfied, you’ll be more likely to eat only what you need, instead of what’s at your grasp. The science backs this theory, as well. Studies have shown that taking smaller bites and taking time to chew can decrease your food intake by as much as one-third.

Reason #2: You get more nutrients and energy. Chewing helps to break down food into smaller particles that your body can more easily digest. Not coincidentally, this also makes it easier for your intestines to absorb nutrients from the food you eat.

Reason #3: Your body has time to process that it’s full. Chewing your food properly also allows your brain to send the message to your gut in a timely manner that you are finished eating. You will be less likely to go for that extra bite because your brain has already had time to realize that your stomach is full.

Reason #4: You improve digestion. By chewing thoroughly, your saliva breaks down food more efficiently to emulsify it before it hits your stomach. When your food is broken down, your stomach has less work to do.

How To Chew Properly

Knowing the benefits of chewing more thoroughly is one thing, but how do you train yourself to make it a habit? Here are a few tips to practice:

Tip #1: Chew each bite of food at least 25 times. Believe it or not, we only chew each bite of food about five to 10 times on average. Some experts even recommend trying to squeeze in up to 80 bites, which may be a bit extreme.

Tip #2: Rest in between bites.  Focus more on the flavor and satisfaction in each bite than thinking about the next bite. Live in the present.

Tip #3: Take a drink. Take a swig of water to slow yourself down between each bite.

Tip #4: Time yourself.  While it may sound silly, space your meal out over a duration of time. Darya Rose, Ph.D., author of Foodist and founder of, calls this “mindful eating.” She recommends setting a timer or focusing on something concrete that forces you to pay attention to the food in your mouth. Too often, we just chew and swallow without a second thought.

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