Daily Rituals To Celebrate You

Daily Rituals To Celebrate You

Health, beauty, iconic style, inspiration or anything else that you desire are not traits that require you to Do or Get. These exist within you already. All you need is to remove the blocks inside and open up to Receiving.

How do you feel about receiving? Most women have been raised to believe that giving is a feminine trait. Most women will give until their well runs dry. It is feminine to nurture, but giving is actually masculine energy. Receiving is feminine.

Although both the masculine and feminine energies are equally important, for women who are raising families, running businesses and saving the world, spending more time in the feminine is important, or women may feel burned out.

Feminine energy is replenishing and refreshing. When you are aligned with the feminine, you will feel relaxed, open, supported, healthy, beautiful, and inspired.

There are 7 Sacred Rivers that keep a woman in her energy flow:

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  1. Reflection: I check in with myself often to stay connected to my Spirit
  2. Reconnection: I ground in my body through movement and Nature
  3. Release: I let go of what no longer serves me to make room for magic
  4. Receive: I receive before I give to keep my well filled to overflowing
  5. Relaxation: I embody my Essence through poise and Self Trust
  6. Renewal: I receive Nourishment for my Body and Dreams
  7. Revel: I make pleasure a priority and celebrate my love affair with life

How can you express your femininity through one of those receiving channels today?

A woman's sweet spot is being self-centered, or centered in the Self. However, this is not selfish, it is sustainable. It is actually the most generous way to live because when you allow yourself to receive, you naturally have more to give.

There is a saying that goes “Fill up your cup and give from your saucer.” If you are giving too much, your receiving channels may be blocked. To keep my channels open, I created a decadent daily ritual that I love and I hope you will, too!

I call it ‘Queen's Tea.’ Every afternoon, the Queen of England enjoys a little treat, and so can we! Take time in the middle of your day to bask in whatever makes you feel royal, whether that be a rose petal bath, a candlelight meditation, eating exotic fruit, or curling up with a good book. These are simple ways to celebrate yourself like a Queen and stay centered in your Self.

Here are some additional daily 'mini vacations' for you to receive: 

  • Enjoy a piece of dark raw chocolate and let it melt slowly
  • Go for a stroll in a botanical garden or a barefoot walk in the forest
  • Have a Vanilla and Lavender-scented bath, or a massage
  • Swim in a lake or ocean in Mama Earth’s embrace
  • Take time to catch up with a girlfriend by phone or have a girl's night out
  • Buy yourself your favorite flowers or a beautiful plant
  • Lounge in a hammock or write yourself a love letter
  • Read at the park, visit an art gallery or rent a movie
  • Play hooky for the rest of the day and go get your hair done

Whatever else you can conjure up, do that and more will flow to you.

Cherish yourself, notice what fans your flames and lavish yourself with love. There are dozens more indulgences in my book Naked Beauty. Whatever feels good to you today and would make your petals shimmer, do it!

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Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone has become a trusted voice in the raw community and has attracted tens of thousands of women to her online events including the Raw Mom Summit and W.I.S.H.(Women’s International Summit for Health) which she co-produced and had the pleasure of interviewing Marianne Williamson, Byron Katie, Dr Mercola, Marci Shimoff, Sonia Choquette, Byron Katie, Dr Carolyn Dean, Rainbeau Mars, Dr Bernie Seigel, Rory Freedman, David Wolfe, Morgana Rae, Susun Weed and dozens of other luminaries. Shannon created the documentary Raising Children Raises Us- a documentary about Conscious Parenting, Raw Food Nutriton and Un-Schooling, and wrote The Healthy Lunchbox and her brand new book, Naked Beauty. Shakaya is also an artist and she creates original Goddess Portraits on commission. As well, Shannon is a speaker who hosts LIVE events. Shakaya contributes articles for dozens of magazines online and in print, and she appears on TV and radio regularly.Shakaya’s vision is to inspire women to be proactive in their health and embrace their beauty, Naturally. Shannon can be found inspiring women to awaken to their Divine feminine goddess nature at earthempress.com