
Homeopathic Medications for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Homeopathic Medications for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Homeopathics are a safe and extremely effective way of balancing your problems naturally by allowing your system to correct itself with gentle stimulation of...
Naturally Savvy

Conquer Male Menopause, Restore Youthful Vigor

Once they hit middle age, men can experience a phenomenon comparable to menopause. This is referred to as andropause. Bodily changes accompanied by shifts in...
Naturally Savvy

The Speed of Manifestation

Have you ever had a desire and then been really impatient about it showing up? If you assume that Creation always has your back,...
Naturally Savvy

Supplementation for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Following is the supplementation I recommend for fibrocystic breast disease for patients at my clinic: Vitamin A—taken in high dosages, stimulates complete or partial remission...
Naturally Savvy

Erasing the Need for Magic Erasers

I have been doing a bit of experimenting with products lately to see if I could created anything that works as well as or...
Lymphatic Drainage for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Lymphatic Drainage for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Appropriate use of lymphatic drainage and manual massage therapy has been very beneficial to many of our patients. A properly working lymphatic system is essential...
Naturally Savvy

Top 10 Ways to Detoxify: Part 3

This final segment on detoxification strategies deals with various other methods that have been traditionally successful and that are well worth consideration. Colonics and Large...
Naturally Savvy

Problem vs. Challenge vs. Opportunity

The Microsoft Encarta College Dictionary that sits on my desk in my office defines “problem” as a “difficult situation, matter or person.” “Challenge” is defined...
Naturally Savvy

You Are What You Eat: Ingestion Problems

In Part 1, we looked at the importance of water. In Part 2 of this series, we’ll explore the mechanical and chemical components of...
Reversing Hemorroids Naturally

Reversing Hemorroids Naturally

Hemorrhoids (piles) are distended or ruptured veins located within the anus (internal hemorrhoids) or just outside the anus (external hemorrhoids). At least half the...

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