Jeanette Sousa, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Thu, 30 May 2019 21:59:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rebound Your Way to Better Health Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:23:53 +0000 I love rebounding! It makes me feel great, and I truly feel happier and energized. It’s no wonder that it has been deemed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as one of the most efficient and effective types of exercise for the entire body. For those of you who are not familiar with rebounding, […]

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I love rebounding! It makes me feel great, and I truly feel happier and energized. It’s no wonder that it has been deemed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as one of the most efficient and effective types of exercise for the entire body. For those of you who are not familiar with rebounding, it is just a fancy way of saying jumping on a mini trampoline. The benefits to this type of exercise are endless as it affects the millions of cells in our bodies. Think about how much fun kids have jumping on the bed. The feeling of weightlessness is so appealing and marks the magic of rebounding.

Our lymphatic system greatly benefits from rebounding, by increased circulation to the millions of one-way valves that transport lymph fluid and nutrients and collect metabolic waste (which I like to refer to as garbage collectors). The fluid always moves in the same direction, running up the legs, arms, and torso. The vertical circulation is dependent on movement and exercise to pump the lymph fluid and open the valves, unlike the blood which has the heart to help pump it through.

Read more about herbal tonics for the lymph system

Rebounding gets fluids moving to the lymph system so waste can be properly eliminated through the colon, which enhances cell absorption. Without this movement of lymph fluids, cells are left to stew in their own waste contributing to a more acidic environment and a higher risk for disease. Our immune system is stronger when our body is properly ridding itself of waste. What's more, because of the increased flow in the lymphatic system, the skin becomes tighter and more toned. The tissues are also saturated with oxygen due to increased circulation.

When rebounding or jumping, there are three natural forces at work: gravity, acceleration, and deceleration. This movement provides an increased G-force (gravitational pull) and it feels likes you are catching air! In response to the G-force, each cell in the body gets stronger – not just the muscle cells as is the case when lifting weights. In addition to strengthening the musculoskeletal systems, it increases bone density and lung capacity, and is low impact! Rebounding stimulates all the organs and can really help with a sluggish bowel.

You have a ZERO-impact, cardio fitness trainer and cross trainer all in one. NASA has claimed rebounding as 68% more efficient than jogging. It benefits the lungs and the heart. It has also been found to lower elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It stimulates your metabolism and reduces fat. You even start burning more calories when you’re not exercising as it increases your resting metabolic rate. I love what it does to my core and all the muscles in my legs.

Read more about movement as meditation

With no strain on joints, is it ideal for senior citizens and people that are physically handicapped. Using the proper trampoline with the right springs and surface mat is key to finding the right level of impact for you, so be sure to research a number of brands before you buy.

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What is your Beauty Care Blueprint? Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:37:07 +0000 Beauty is one of our most sacred possessions. It is not guaranteed in life; instead, it is earned. As with anything earned, thought, strategy, and effort come into play. True beauty comes within, from the inside out. Yet, many people look for the fountain of youth from the outside through creams, injections, peels, etc. This […]

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Beauty is one of our most sacred possessions. It is not guaranteed in life; instead, it is earned. As with anything earned, thought, strategy, and effort come into play. True beauty comes within, from the inside out. Yet, many people look for the fountain of youth from the outside through creams, injections, peels, etc. This approach is reminiscent of the modern medical tactic of focusing on the symptom rather than the cause.

Think of a time when you have felt the most beautiful. What a wonderful feeling! It is magical, as if you are looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and nothing can break them. Do you constantly feel this level of satisfaction? If you answer 'no', what are you doing (or not doing) that is preventing you from feeling this magic all of the time?

Read more about gratitude, the beauty elixir

Thoughts and actions define our beauty blueprint. Our blueprint is determined by how grounded we are and how well we balance our world – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we are in this magical state, we have a great sense of appreciation. The more beauty we see in the world, greater is the ability to heal and find joy in everything we do. The expression “you are as young as you heal” best exemplifies this sensation.

We are blessed with bodies that are a work in progress. We can use the power of the mind, good food, and exercise to mold and sculpt our bodies. Making changes to how we feed ourselves on all levels – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually – can enrich our beauty blueprint.

Understanding that our outer appearance is a direct reflection of our inner cleanliness is of utmost importance. Enhancing our beauty and longevity blueprint is about what we put in our mouth, specifically with mineral-rich living whole foods. Living foods with high concentrations of minerals set the stage for healthy skin, nails, hair, and internal connective tissue. Super mineralized foods also help restore mineral density to bones and teeth. Making sure to include high quality fats and oils in your diet helps restore elasticity to the tissues. Green leafy vegetables are also vital for fiber and alkalinity, helping to keep us clean on the inside.

Read more about natural beauty products growing in your garden

Nourishing and feeding our cells with good food sparks our system to glow. Think of the glow of a pregnant woman. When our bodies are in balance and in a harmonious state, we just emanate beauty! What is your beauty blueprint?

Image: Stefanie Neves

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Soft Supple Skin All Year Round Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:33:12 +0000 Wouldn’t it be nice to have skin as soft as a baby’s bottom?! Skin health becomes a bigger feat as we age; even more so today with increased environmental stressors and busier lifestyles. People spend hundreds to thousands of dollars in hopes of preserving their youth and glow all year round. With the cosmetic industry […]

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have skin as soft as a baby’s bottom?! Skin health becomes a bigger feat as we age; even more so today with increased environmental stressors and busier lifestyles. People spend hundreds to thousands of dollars in hopes of preserving their youth and glow all year round.

With the cosmetic industry being built around this pursuit of everlasting youth, we have lost sight of how to achieve natural beauty naturally, from the inside out. Here are a few tips to protect and nurture the skin, especially as the weather conditions change around us. It is possible to age gracefully! As I like to say, skin is like a fine wine – it gets better with age.

Read more tips for aging gracefully

  • Drinking enough water is essential but may sometimes not be enough. Moisturizing teas like fennel seed, Irish moss, and red clover blossoms can be effective.
  • Minimize caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, soaps, cleansers, and alcohol-based products as they contribute to dehydration.
  • Eat dark orange and green foods like apricots, pumpkin, squash, carrots, and green leafy vegetables high in beta-carotene, which are great for the skin.
  •  Avoid bad fats like trans fats, and be sure to eat raw healthy fats high in essential fatty acids.
  • Make sure there is enough humidity in your house especially through the winter months. Buy a humidifier is necessary.
  • Estrogen plays a role in the skin retaining moisture. Consult a doctor or practitioner if you have any hormonal concerns.
  • Skin brushing is my favorite method for keeping skin soft. It effectively removes the dead layers of skin and other impurities while keeping the pores open. Among the many health benefits, it stimulates the hormone and oil producing glands of the body. A good vegetable bristle is key to its success.
  • An effective shower filter that removes chlorine can make a huge difference. Chlorine can contribute to dry itchy skin and dry brittle hair. The filter will maximize hydration in the dry winter months.
  • Shea butter has outstanding healing properties and is high in Vitamin E and A. It is excellent for moisturizing skin and helping with frost bite, eczema and wrinkles, to name a few.
  • Aloe is another plant used for thousands of years that is amazing for energy and strength. It helps support the immune system and stimulates digestion and skin regeneration. It is packed with the goodness of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides. It is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory.

Read more about the healing benefits of aloe

  • Try raw Kombucha Tea, which has been used as beauty tonic for centuries in Eastern Europe and Japan. It facilitates skin cell regeneration and is an incredible liver detoxifier as it helps remove compacted debris from the liver.
  • Scan your kitchen to make a nourishing mask from oatmeal, apricot, avocado, banana, and peach.

With countless packaged products to turn to, you might be pleasantly surprised at how effective the simple natural approach really is. Consistency is the key to seeing results in your skin. Most importantly, make sure to have fun with your beauty regime and remember: beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Image: ^@^ina (Irina Patrascu Gheorghita )

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Traditional Beauty Rituals Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:32:01 +0000 Oftentimes the most beneficial beauty rituals that we practice are the oldest. Here’s a list of a few of my favorites, and why they’ve stood the test of time. Tea Time Drinking tea is perhaps one of the oldest beauty practices people continue doing today. Initially cultivated by the Chinese, then brought around the world […]

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Oftentimes the most beneficial beauty rituals that we practice are the oldest. Here’s a list of a few of my favorites, and why they’ve stood the test of time.

Tea Time

Drinking tea is perhaps one of the oldest beauty practices people continue doing today. Initially cultivated by the Chinese, then brought around the world through various forms of trade, tea has been a fixture in global culture for hundreds of years – though its consumption dates back much further. Waking each morning and making yourself a big pot of a fabulous homemade blend is a great way to start your day. Tea is high in minerals and alkalizing. Forget the tea bags and visit your garden, farmer, herbalist or health food store for some loose leaf tea and experiment by making your own signature blend. Nourishing ourselves with rich doses of vitamins and minerals is essential for beautiful skin, hairs and nails.

Read more about natural beauty products growing in your garden

Brushing Your Hair

Though the thought of brushing your hair one hundred times usually conjures up an image from an old film where the starlet is seated before an old vanity, it’s an excellent practice to incorporate into your daily routine. The bombardment of harsh chemicals that your hair and scalp face on a daily basis make it all-the-more important for you to continue this time-tested ritual. Brushing evenly distributes the oils in your hair reducing split ends and bring out a beautiful shine. With a nice bristle brush your scalp with also appreciate the gentle exfoliation and increased circulation. If you are not in the practice of brushing out your hair regularly, you will not believe how your hair will feel after.

Exfoliating/Dry Skin brushing

Exfoliating your dry skin, especially during these colder winter months, is a great way to promote healthy skin. You will not believe how soft your skin will become. Your skin cells are constantly regenerating and rising to the surface through the epidermal layers. Removing the dead skin regularly will allow your skin to breathe and strengthen providing you with your first line of defense against germs and toxins. As children we have a beautiful glow and keeping that glow and resilience in our skin is where the benefits of this beauty ritual come into play.

Read more about dry skin brushing for vibrant health

Taking the time for the things that truly make you feel good is a wonderful way to put the laws of cause and effect in motion as you are rewarded with bountiful beauty.

Image: PernilleLouise

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The Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:28:00 +0000 Aloe vera is a succulent plant originating in Northern Africa, that sits at the top of the world’s best superfoods list. It grows in arid conditions and you will see it growing in a wide range of climates today. Aloe’s history is quite fascinating. Cleopatra was said to have bathed in it, and the Greeks […]

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Aloe vera is a succulent plant originating in Northern Africa, that sits at the top of the world’s best superfoods list. It grows in arid conditions and you will see it growing in a wide range of climates today.

Aloe’s history is quite fascinating. Cleopatra was said to have bathed in it, and the Greeks adopted it from the Egyptians. Alexander the Great and his army were said to have used it, and he fought for the Island of Socotra where it grew abundantly. Gandhi too was said to have used it in his fasts to maintain strength.

Read more about intermittent fasting

If you do not have any aloe plants in your home, you may want to consider acquiring some; easy to care for, simply water with some rain water when you can. The gel of raw aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E; minerals sulfur, calcium, magnesium, and chromium; as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, lignins and, most importantly, polysaccharides. It is revered for its cooling antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and has a wonderful moisturizing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

It is known as a powerful medicinal plant that provides energy and strength, supports the immune and digestive systems, and aids skin regeneration. When it comes to cuts, scraps or burns, aloe is excellent; just fillet a leaf and apply the gelatinous gel from the stalk to your skin. You will be amazed at how quickly the skin will heal.

Read more about the world's most antioxidant-rich foods

It has a wide spectrum of properties and the ability to heal the body both internally and externally. Internally, it can assist in all areas of digestion, including increased absorption. Aloe vera topically leads to clearer, fairer and healthier skin, and sets the stage for an anti-aging protocol. This amazing plant is also said to aid in sculpting our bodies. It has been shown that consuming aloe vera can help maintain lean muscle mass while losing weight.

The list of beneficial properties of aloe vera is endless. One way to start using it today is as a natural “facelift”. Fillet the leaves of the aloe plant and remove enough gelatinous substance to rub into the entire face and neck. Leave it on for 30 minutes while you feel your skin getting pulled tighter. Rinse off with warm water and presto, you just gave your face the best food ever!

Editor's Note: Consuming raw aloe internally is dangerous. If taking aloe vera internally, be sure to purchase a trusted, tested brand.

Image: Garry Knight

Reference: Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future by David Wolfe

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