What is your Beauty Care Blueprint?

What is your Beauty Care Blueprint?

Beauty is one of our most sacred possessions. It is not guaranteed in life; instead, it is earned. As with anything earned, thought, strategy, and effort come into play. True beauty comes within, from the inside out. Yet, many people look for the fountain of youth from the outside through creams, injections, peels, etc. This approach is reminiscent of the modern medical tactic of focusing on the symptom rather than the cause.

Think of a time when you have felt the most beautiful. What a wonderful feeling! It is magical, as if you are looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and nothing can break them. Do you constantly feel this level of satisfaction? If you answer 'no', what are you doing (or not doing) that is preventing you from feeling this magic all of the time?

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Thoughts and actions define our beauty blueprint. Our blueprint is determined by how grounded we are and how well we balance our world – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we are in this magical state, we have a great sense of appreciation. The more beauty we see in the world, greater is the ability to heal and find joy in everything we do. The expression “you are as young as you heal” best exemplifies this sensation.

We are blessed with bodies that are a work in progress. We can use the power of the mind, good food, and exercise to mold and sculpt our bodies. Making changes to how we feed ourselves on all levels – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually – can enrich our beauty blueprint.

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Understanding that our outer appearance is a direct reflection of our inner cleanliness is of utmost importance. Enhancing our beauty and longevity blueprint is about what we put in our mouth, specifically with mineral-rich living whole foods. Living foods with high concentrations of minerals set the stage for healthy skin, nails, hair, and internal connective tissue. Super mineralized foods also help restore mineral density to bones and teeth. Making sure to include high quality fats and oils in your diet helps restore elasticity to the tissues. Green leafy vegetables are also vital for fiber and alkalinity, helping to keep us clean on the inside.

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Nourishing and feeding our cells with good food sparks our system to glow. Think of the glow of a pregnant woman. When our bodies are in balance and in a harmonious state, we just emanate beauty! What is your beauty blueprint?

Image: Stefanie Neves

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Jeanette holds a Bachelor of Science degree and spent many years in the corporate world. In the mid-90's, ready to pursue a more joy-filled life, Jeanette began working closely with Wayne Gendel (a Hippocrates Health Educator) and Forever Healthy, a company dedicated to natural health products. Over the next 10 years, Jeanette learned more about the healing properties of living foods and decided to incorporate raw food education into her growing natural health practice. This journey included networking with like-minded people and connecting with suppliers of ethically-superior foods and products. She also organized events for David Wolfe, a world-renowned authority on living nutrition. During this time she was also drawn to the ancient healing art of Qi Gong and became an instructor. She experienced dramatic changes in her life and promotes the self healing power of practice and discipline. Jeanette understands the value of lifestyle balance and rhythm, learned through her wellness practices and also raising her son. She brings intelligence, humor, humility and life experience to all of her pursuits -personal and professional. Her vitality, knowledge and passion are now helping many others achieve natural beauty and balance. Through her consulting, events, workshops and blog, Jeanette facilitates self-change and living a natural and more conscious life. Her mission is to spark people to live an abundant life full of energy and vitality.