Traditional Beauty Rituals

Traditional Beauty Rituals

Oftentimes the most beneficial beauty rituals that we practice are the oldest. Here’s a list of a few of my favorites, and why they’ve stood the test of time.

Tea Time

Drinking tea is perhaps one of the oldest beauty practices people continue doing today. Initially cultivated by the Chinese, then brought around the world through various forms of trade, tea has been a fixture in global culture for hundreds of years – though its consumption dates back much further. Waking each morning and making yourself a big pot of a fabulous homemade blend is a great way to start your day. Tea is high in minerals and alkalizing. Forget the tea bags and visit your garden, farmer, herbalist or health food store for some loose leaf tea and experiment by making your own signature blend. Nourishing ourselves with rich doses of vitamins and minerals is essential for beautiful skin, hairs and nails.

Read more about natural beauty products growing in your garden

Brushing Your Hair

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Though the thought of brushing your hair one hundred times usually conjures up an image from an old film where the starlet is seated before an old vanity, it’s an excellent practice to incorporate into your daily routine. The bombardment of harsh chemicals that your hair and scalp face on a daily basis make it all-the-more important for you to continue this time-tested ritual. Brushing evenly distributes the oils in your hair reducing split ends and bring out a beautiful shine. With a nice bristle brush your scalp with also appreciate the gentle exfoliation and increased circulation. If you are not in the practice of brushing out your hair regularly, you will not believe how your hair will feel after.

Exfoliating/Dry Skin brushing

Exfoliating your dry skin, especially during these colder winter months, is a great way to promote healthy skin. You will not believe how soft your skin will become. Your skin cells are constantly regenerating and rising to the surface through the epidermal layers. Removing the dead skin regularly will allow your skin to breathe and strengthen providing you with your first line of defense against germs and toxins. As children we have a beautiful glow and keeping that glow and resilience in our skin is where the benefits of this beauty ritual come into play.

Read more about dry skin brushing for vibrant health

Taking the time for the things that truly make you feel good is a wonderful way to put the laws of cause and effect in motion as you are rewarded with bountiful beauty.

Image: PernilleLouise

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Jeanette holds a Bachelor of Science degree and spent many years in the corporate world. In the mid-90's, ready to pursue a more joy-filled life, Jeanette began working closely with Wayne Gendel (a Hippocrates Health Educator) and Forever Healthy, a company dedicated to natural health products. Over the next 10 years, Jeanette learned more about the healing properties of living foods and decided to incorporate raw food education into her growing natural health practice. This journey included networking with like-minded people and connecting with suppliers of ethically-superior foods and products. She also organized events for David Wolfe, a world-renowned authority on living nutrition. During this time she was also drawn to the ancient healing art of Qi Gong and became an instructor. She experienced dramatic changes in her life and promotes the self healing power of practice and discipline. Jeanette understands the value of lifestyle balance and rhythm, learned through her wellness practices and also raising her son. She brings intelligence, humor, humility and life experience to all of her pursuits -personal and professional. Her vitality, knowledge and passion are now helping many others achieve natural beauty and balance. Through her consulting, events, workshops and blog, Jeanette facilitates self-change and living a natural and more conscious life. Her mission is to spark people to live an abundant life full of energy and vitality.