Is corn meal bad for high blood sugar?

Is corn meal bad for high blood sugar?
Is corn meal bad for high blood sugar?

Q: Hi could you please tell me if corn meal is in the same category as white flour? My husband has high blood sugar and is eating only whole wheat, but we do enjoy cornbread.  – Barbara

A: Cornmeal has a glycemic index score of 69, the same as whole wheat bread. This score is considered to be a little high, meaning that if cornmeal is eaten on its own, it will cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly. Most cornbread recipes include sugar (on average, 2/3 cup), which considerably raises the glycemic score. Your husband can enjoy a small slice of cornbread occasionally, as long as it's part of a meal that is balanced with fiber and protein – half a cup of beans, some avocado and chicken will do the trick.

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Lisa has been in her own practice for over 15 years and specializes in weight management. She teaches natural nutrition in both corporate and educational environments and is a shining example of someone who practices what she teaches. Lisa is a nutritionist and educator specializing in weight management. After losing weight several years ago through a more natural diet and by improving her digestion, she committed to sharing her new-found knowledge and returned to school to study nutrition. Over the past decade, her Nu-Vitality Weight Program has helped employees at numerous corporations lose thousands of pounds. In addition, Lisa regularly consults for groups and individuals with unique nutritional needs such as police officers and athletes. Lisa has been featured on the Discovery Channel, numerous radio programs and is a contributor to various publications. Additionally, she teaches nutrition at multiple post-secondary schools, has taught natural food cooking workshops, and authored two books.