Live Archives | Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Mon, 22 Aug 2022 17:10:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Understanding Organic Skincare Ingredients Wed, 15 Dec 2021 06:00:58 +0000 If you want to have noticeably clear and even-toned skin, you should establish a good skincare regimen with organic skincare ingredients. A good beauty care routine begins with understanding and purchasing quality skincare products that are good for you. The products should be natural, yet effective, and contain no harsh sulfates or harmful chemical by-products. […]

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If you want to have noticeably clear and even-toned skin, you should establish a good skincare regimen with organic skincare ingredients. A good beauty care routine begins with understanding and purchasing quality skincare products that are good for you. The products should be natural, yet effective, and contain no harsh sulfates or harmful chemical by-products. These chemicals may dry out the skin as well as increase the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines which can make you look older than your actual age.

While some people are okay with buying non-organic skincare products, those who choose natural skincare brands find and enjoy more benefits of using organic products. People use natural skincare products to stop using products that are formulated with harmful and unsafe ingredients such as parabens, petrochemicals, and other skin-irritating scents.


Cleansing is the initial step in any skincare regimen. It is imperative to find a mild cleanser to lift and eliminate pore-clogging debris and dirt from the skin. Those who regularly wear cosmetics should make sure to pick a cleanser that is good enough to take away make-up as well as dirt.

Organic cleansers commonly use a blend of nut or fruit oils along with some other botanical ingredients. The following are some natural ingredients used in formulating cleansers and the benefits they can provide:

  • Apple juice (soften skin)
  • Coconut, sunflower, jojoba, and sesame oil (moisturize the skin)
  • Green tea (antioxidant properties)
  • Aloe vera (balance skin's pH)
  • Gotu kola extract (relieve inflammation)
  • Geranium and patchouli essentials (rehydrate wrinkled skin)
  • Horsetail extracts(heal wounds)
  • Yucca schidigera (replace lost nutrients)
  • Sweet orange oil and chamomile (aromatherapeutic benefits)


After washing, you have to apply a gentle facial moisturizer to your skin. Most facial cleansers are formulated with a facial moisturizer. This helps hydrate the skin and increase firmness and elasticity. Organic moisturizers aid the skin to attract and preserve moisture.

Common ingredients in natural moisturizing products include nut and fruit oils, essential oils, and other nourishing plants which include the following:

  • Cupuacu butter, shea butter, and cucumber extract (moisturize the skin)
  • Acai oil (antioxidant properties)
  • Calendula oil (relieves inflammation)
  • Rice bran, sweet almond oil, watercress extract, and aloe vera juice (supply vitamins and minerals)


Exfoliants eradicate the top and dead skin cells that can block pores and result in the development of acne. Cosmetic Surgeons from Australia's leading clinic (Cosmos Clinic) say that:

"Skincare products with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) help loosen damaged skin cells, maximize cell regeneration, and increase the deposit of glycosaminoglycans on the skin. This clears pores, refines the appearance and texture of the skin, and removes blockage to allow penetration of topical agents such as retinoid, bleaching creams, and antioxidants."

Be certain to only use the exfoliants twice a week to avoid damaging the skin. You also need to make sure that the brand you buy is not too abrasive. Too abrasive scrubs can produce fine tears on your facial skin. Here are some exfoliants and their benefits:

  • Sesame seed oil, olive oil, shea butter, and cucumber extract (remove signs of aging)
  • Raw cane sugar (cleanses and exfoliates the skin)
  • Jojoba oil and watercress extract (nourishes the skin)
  • Sweet orange oil (aromatherapeutic benefits)
  • Alluvial garnet (removes dead skin cells)
  • Lemon and bergamot essential oils (adds natural fragrance)
  • Jojoba beads (remove skin cells)
  • Sclerotium rolfsii gum (natural polysaccharide thickener)

If you wish to protect your skin and body from the damaging ingredients used in most commercial brands, then you should consider using organic skincare products. Everyone is concerned about their well-being and health which means that we should be proactive and careful in selecting which skincare products to use.

Annie Dodson is a blogger and cosmetologist from Australia. Her main area of expertise is research based on finding new, organic skincare ingredients. She also blogs about skin are tips and health and wellness subjects. She is currently working as a treatment consultant at Cosmos Clinic. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga, cycling, and spending time with friends.

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Turn Off The Technology in Your Bedroom, It's Destroying Your Sleep Mon, 06 Dec 2021 06:00:26 +0000 You can’t see or smell them, but they are all around us. EMFs (Electromagnetic fields) are invisible lines of force that emit from electrical power lines and electrical and electronic devices. A different type of EMF (Radio Frequency) is emitted by wireless technology such as wi-fi routers, cordless portable phones, and cell phones. Today, a […]

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You can’t see or smell them, but they are all around us. EMFs (Electromagnetic fields) are invisible lines of force that emit from electrical power lines and electrical and electronic devices. A different type of EMF (Radio Frequency) is emitted by wireless technology such as wi-fi routers, cordless portable phones, and cell phones.

Today, a growing number of experts believe that all of this technology is bathing us in an invisible toxic EMF soup that is dangerous to our health. EMFs from outside the body disrupt our body's natural balance and can play havoc with the millions of electrical impulses that the body uses to regulate all cellular activity. EMFs can interfere with our body's natural processes including sleep, which is imperative for good long-term health. Many studies have shown that EMFs suppress the important production of the hormone melatonin, which is produced by the penal gland in the brain during deep sleep.

Read more about sleep deprivation

Melatonin is produced by the brain during periods of darkness and is a vital part of many of the body's biochemical systems required for both sleep and learning. It is free radical scavenging in all cells and hence is a potent antioxidant with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. It also assists in maintaining immune system health and protecting the body from viruses.

Electric fields (V/M) are always present on charged electrical wires and devices plugged into live outlets. Even when a lamp is turned off but still plugged in it emits an electric field. Sleeping in a high electric field environment keeps you from having deep, restful stage four and five sleep. This happens because the polarity of alternating current (AC) electricity in the wires in your bedroom walls, floor, and power cords changes from positive to negative 60 times a second (60 Hz). This causes a rapid, powerful alternating attraction and repulsion of each one of our body’s trillions of cells, all night long. Lately, more evidence has accumulated that indicates that the “dirty” electricity (radiation in the kHz) riding on the electric field is having more of an impact on our health than originally thought.

Read more about the immune system

Suggestions For Reducing Exposure

  • Even a simple clock radio can produce a powerful EMF so opt for a battery-operated version to reduce exposure at night.
  • Lamps are notorious EMF emitters so remove all lamps (especially if they are made of metal) and electric cords from all sleeping areas.
  • Remove all extension cords, power lines, and electronic technology from the sleeping area.
  • Install Graham-Stetzer filters on your home's electric circuits to reduce your exposure to “dirty” electricity riding on the electric field.
  • Use a landline, buy a cordless phone that does not use DECT technology, or remove the cordless phone base station from your bedroom.
  • Unplug your wi-fi router at night as the wireless RF signal can travel hundreds of feet.
  • Turn off your cell phone at night. Your cell phone will send out a blast of radiation each time you receive a message and some phones pulse RF on a continuous basis.

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Top 10 Reasons to Eat Organic Wed, 19 May 2021 05:00:02 +0000 Eating organic isn’t a fad. In fact, a 2019 USDA report stated that sales from U.S. organic farms reached $9.9 billion, a 31 percent increase from 2016 and 2019. Whether you're avoiding pesticides, looking for a healthier diet, or concerned about the environment, there is no shortage of reasons to eat organic foods. So if you’ve […]

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Eating organic isn’t a fad. In fact, a 2019 USDA report stated that sales from U.S. organic farms reached $9.9 billion, a 31 percent increase from 2016 and 2019. Whether you're avoiding pesticides, looking for a healthier diet, or concerned about the environment, there is no shortage of reasons to eat organic foods. So if you’ve been on the fence looking at those greener organic pastures, wait no more! Here are ten delicious reasons to take a bite of that organic apple today!

1. Environmental Health and Climate Change

According to Cornell entomologist David Pimentel, it is estimated that only 0.1 percent of applied pesticides reach the target pests. The bulk of pesticides (99 percent) are left to impact the environment. Waterways and farmland are contaminated by chemical run-off from farms. Arguably one of the largest environmental disasters has been the loss of quality soil. Many organic farmers grow bio-diverse crops rather than the industrial monoculture model, which depletes the soil. With up to 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions created by our industrial global food system alone, we hold tremendous power for a healthy climate in our food choices. According to this white paper, organic farming practices can store carbon underground, which will lead to less extreme weather.

Organic management practices such as crop rotation, substantially enhance soil quality, restore nitrogen and organic components, and sequester carbon. In short, chemically produced food is damaging our soil and exacerbating our climate crisis.

2. Safe Drinking Water

The more chemicals applied per acre, the greater the challenge in preserving water quality. The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico is the most graphic example of the enormous harm caused when farm chemicals, flowing off of millions of acres, congregate in the mighty Mississippi. So, not only is chemically dependent agriculture damaging our drinking water it is also harming our waterways and oceans.

3. Health Risks

It should be no surprise that the chemical pesticides that kill off pests are also causing harm to your health. But it doesn’t just stop with harming you; pesticide, herbicide, and chemical fertilizer usage pose health risks to farmers and farmworkers. Pesticides ingested by pregnant women have been linked to birth defects and deformities. Studies have also shown that some herbicides and pesticides stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells and cause mammary cancer in rats. Organic crops cannot be grown with synthetic persistent chemicals, sewage sludge, irradiation, animal cloning, or genetic engineering. The USDA organic seal guarantees that farmers abide by these standards. By eating organic you will dramatically reduce the amount of pesticide residue you ingest on a daily basis, thus reducing your risk for diseases.

Read more: The 12 Worst Endocrine Disruptors in Your Body

4. Biodiversity

Wildlife, insects, frogs, birds, and soil organisms are able to play their important roles in the tapestry of ecology, and we are able to play ours, without interference or compromise. The decline of birds, bees, and other pollinators have been linked to the synthetic pesticides used by conventional farmers. Organic farms are home to around 30 percent more wildlife species than conventional farms. Researchers from the University of Oxford and from Sweden and Switzerland conducted a meta-analysis of nearly 100 studies which estimates that 75 percent of the genetic diversity of agricultural crops was lost in the last century. Leaning heavily on one or two varieties of a given food is a formula for devastation.

What’s more, conventional foods in the last twenty years are produced using genetically engineered seeds. The mixing of genes from different species is what makes GMO crops so unique, and it’s why chemical producers have been able to patent these crops. It is impossible to create such transgenic organisms through traditional crossbreeding methods. Genetically engineered crops have not been thoroughly tested by independent scientists for long-term health and environmental consequences. Genetically engineered foods also contaminate non-GMO and organic crops, which can wipe out organic and heirloom seeds permanently.

5. Avoid GMOs

Often referred to as “frankenfoods,” GMOs can be found in over 75 percent of processed foods sold in America. The U.S. and Canada stand alone without clear mandatory GMO labeling. Both spend millions to keep consumers in the dark about GMO ingredients. 64 other countries label GMOs allowing consumers to make an informed choice, while many other countries have outright banned GMO farming practices. Since GMOs are not labeled, the best guarantee in avoiding GMOs is to choose certified organic foods.

Currently, over 90 percent of all GMO crops are engineered to survive glyphosate spraying, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s weed-killing herbicide, Roundup. These Roundup-Ready crops have made glyphosate the most heavily used pesticide in U.S. agriculture. Since GMO corn and soy were first introduced two decades ago, the amount of glyphosate used by farmers has increased 280 million pounds a year. Glyphosate was recently classified as a “probable carcinogen to humans,” by cancer experts at the World Health Organization. Because of this extreme dousing of chemicals, GMO crops have led to environmental disasters such as superweeds and superbugs. Organic food cannot be grown using genetically modified seeds, nor can any processed organic foods use GMO ingredients. Organic always means non-GMO.

Read more: Are You Eating the 8 Most Common Genetically Modified Foods?

Top Reasons for Eating Organic

6. Nutrition

Plants nurtured by healthy soil on organic farms produce crops that often contain higher levels of important antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. On average, organically grown foods provide 21.1 percent more iron (than their conventional counterparts); 27 percent more vitamin C; 29.3 percent more magnesium; and 13.6 percent more phosphorus. A team of researchers found organic milk contains significantly higher concentrations of heart-healthy fatty acids compared to milk from cows on conventionally managed dairy farms. Organic farming is viewed as regenerative agriculture and can actually increase the fertility of the soil, creating more nutritious food while reversing climate change.

7. Good for Farmers

Reduced reliance on chemical and agri-engineering corporations is good for farmers. Certified organic food producers adhere to a strict system of government-mandated regulations, verified and certified by third-party inspectors. Farmers must make a financial commitment to growing food under the organic model, despite the fact that the market for organic food is the largest growing agricultural sector in the U.S.

Farmers are businessmen and women after all and want to grow food that has a market.

Big box retailer Costco, in 2017 passed $4 billion in annual sales from organic produce, eclipsing Whole Foods. Now, organic farmers can’t grow produce fast enough to supply the warehouse retailer. To help nudge supply in the right direction, Costco is lending money to farmers, allowing them to buy land and equipment to grow more organic produce. Choosing organic food creates a positive ripple effect from farm to table, because supply always meets demand.

8. Animal Welfare

Livestock raised organically must have access to the outdoors and room enough to move, graze, and develop, in a manner that supports their natural behavior. These animals cannot be given growth hormones and animals treated with antibiotics cannot produce organic products. Conventional animal factories use genetically engineered crops to fatten up livestock ahead of slaughter, whereas organically produced animals cannot ingest genetically engineered feed.

Organically raised livestock have access to graze on grass and are not fed a diet of GMO corn, cottonseed, canola, and soy. Unhealthy and mistreated animals make unhealthy food that accounts for a significant percentage of all food-borne illnesses. To avoid illnesses, and to put a stop to inhumane treatment, purchase certified organic animal products.

9. Hormones and Antibiotic Usage

Organic dairy cows are not injected with milk-boosting hormones such as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBST), which has shown to increase insulin levels in humans. Studies also show more than 90 percent of the pesticides Americans consume, are found in the fat and tissue of meat and dairy products. According to the Consumers Union, approximately 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used in meat and poultry production. Many scientists and experts warn that rampant use of antibiotics in animal feed, like penicillin and tetracycline, will breed an epidemic that medicine has no defense against. Karim Ahmed, Ph.D., a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) states that it, "is perhaps one of the most serious public health problems the country faces. We're talking about rendering many of the most important antibiotics ineffective." Organic meat and dairy cannot be produced with antibiotics and growth hormones.

Read more: Are Antibiotics in Our Meat Causing Superbugs?

10.  Food Security 

A true food future requires us to treat our precious land, water, air, animals, and ecosystem with more deliberate care. More than 600 active chemicals are registered for agricultural use in America, to the tune of billions of pounds annually. The average application equates to about 16 pounds of chemical pesticides per person, every year. This isn’t a sustainable system for any of us.

The loss of our pollinators to poor industrial practices is rapidly threatening the planet’s food supply. Recent reports from the United Nations warn that without immediate action to protect pollinators, the global food supply could be decimated. We must get off the pesticide treadmill and assert our buying power as consumers, so we can reduce the damage and regenerate our environment. The $1 trillion dollar food industry market in America is predominately chemically dependent. We are paying the price with our declining health and the health of Mama Earth. Spending dollars in the organic sector is a direct vote for a sustainable future for the many generations to come.

So after reading Top 10 Reasons to Eat Organic you can see that choosing organic is truly a down payment on our food future. From the bees to the seas, we can’t afford to not eat organic food. At the grocery store, look for the green and white circular USDA Organic label. Organic produce often times has a 9 at the start of the PLU numbers on the sticker or simply look for signs and labels that say “organic”. The cheapest alternative to adopting this lifestyle is to grow your own organic food, buy direct from a farmer at a farm stand, farmers market, or opting for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program in your community. If you demand it, growers will supply it and the price for organic will decrease as it becomes available in every community!

Read next:

5 Great Tips for Starting a Spring Organic Garden

Eating Organic Reduces Pesticide Exposure


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The 12 Worst Endocrine Disruptors in Your Body Wed, 31 Mar 2021 05:00:41 +0000 Endocrine disruptors are scary. Who wants a synthetic chemical to be absorbed into their body and either mimic or block hormones and disrupt their body’s normal functions? Unfortunately, endocrine disruptors are in many products, as the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors reveals. The list includes the worst endocrine disruptors. Since […]

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Endocrine disruptors are scary. Who wants a synthetic chemical to be absorbed into their body and either mimic or block hormones and disrupt their body’s normal functions?

Unfortunately, endocrine disruptors are in many products, as the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors reveals. The list includes the worst endocrine disruptors. Since these 12 are so scary and so pervasive, the following is an overview of what each one is and how to avoid exposure.

1. BPA

BPA, which stands for bisphenol A, tops the list. It is used to make polycarbonate plastics, including compact disks, plastic dinnerware, and some toys. BPA epoxy resins are used to line food cans. It has been linked to breast and other cancers and shown to affect the reproductive systems of laboratory animals. A Centers for Disease Control study of 2,517 participants ages six years and older found BPA in the urine of almost all of the people tested. The best way to avoid BPA exposure is to swap canned foods for fresh ones or look for BPA-free canned foods, often available in most natural food stores.

2. Dioxins

Dioxins make the number two spot, and they are a class of chemical contaminants formed during combustion processes such as waste incineration or some industrial processes, including paper pulp bleaching. People are mainly exposed to dioxins through eating contaminated food and through feminine hygiene products. Dioxins have been found to cause reproductive and developmental problems, interfere with hormones and damage the immune system. All people have background exposure to dioxins and a certain level of them in the body, according to the World Health Organization. Since most of the food found to be contaminated with dioxins are meat, milk, eggs, butter, and fish, the best way to reduce exposure is to eat fewer animal products.

3. Atrazine

Atrazine is one of the most widely used pesticides in the U.S. It is mainly used on corn, sorghum and sugarcane and is applied most heavily in the Midwest. The pesticide has been banned in the EU. A 2009 analysis of drinking and surface water by the Natural Resources Defense Council found “pervasive” contamination across the Midwest and South. Atrazine was found in 80 percent of drinking water samples taken in 153 public water systems. All of the 20 watersheds sampled in 2007 and 2008 contained atrazine. Sixteen of the watershed samples had average concentrations higher than the level shown to harm plants and wildlife. The best way to avoid atrazine exposure is to buy organic produce and get a drinking water filter certified to remove the pesticide.

4. Phthalates

Phtalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more flexible. They are used in all sorts of products, including vinyl flooring, adhesives, plastic clothes (raincoats), garden hoses, inflatable toys, and some personal care products (soaps, shampoos, hair sprays, and nail polishes). Some studies show that phthalates cause gender confusion in children exposed to them. A study of 145 preschool children found that mothers with high concentrations of two common phthalates in their prenatal urine had sons less likely to play with male-typical toys and games. A great way to avoid phthalates exposure is to avoid plastic food containers. Another way to avoid exposure is to read labels and look for “fragrance” listed as an ingredient. Most fragrances contain phthalates.

5. Perchlorate

Perchlorate is both naturally occurring and a man-made chemical used to make rocket fuel, fireworks, flares, and explosives. Even the EPA admits that it may have “adverse health effects” because studies indicate it can disrupt the thyroid’s ability to produce the hormones that are needed for normal growth and development. Both EWG and government test data found that perchlorate is found in much of the produce and milk in the U.S. It’s almost impossible to avoid exposure, but you can reduce potential effects by making sure you have enough iodine in your diet.

6. Fire Retardants

The EPA classifies chemicals in some fire retardants as “persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic to both humans and the environment.” The NRDC calls flame retardants a “classic example of a stupid use of a chemical.” Studies have linked these chemicals to lower IQ and other serious health effects. There are several ways to avoid exposure, including using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, and being careful if you replace the old carpet.

endocrine disrupters to avoid

7. Lead

Lead affects almost every organ and system in our bodies. Children six years and younger are particularly vulnerable to the effects of lead, but adults and older children can also be affected. The EPA lists a number of ways to avoid lead, which include inspecting and maintaining painted surfaces to prevent deterioration, cleaning debris out of outlet screens or faucet aerators on a regular basis, and wash children’s hands and toys often. Another way to reduce exposure is through eating a healthy diet because studies show that children who eat healthier absorb less lead.

8. Arsenic

When you think of arsenic you are probably likely to think of murder by poisoning. However, arsenic is found in some drinking water supplies. It can cause skin, bladder, and lung cancer. The best way to reduce exposure is by using a water filter that lowers arsenic levels.

9. Mercury

Mercury is an element that occurs naturally and is found in air, water, and soil. Even just being exposed to a small amount can cause serious health problems and could be a hidden risk in your home. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers mercury to be one of the top 10 chemicals that are a major public health concern. It gets into the air and oceans mainly through burning coal, according to the EWG. The best way to avoid exposure is to eat safer seafood. Check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch pocket guide.

10. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)

Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are used to make non-stick cooking ware. The EPA is concerned about PFCs because they are found all over the world in the environment, wildlife and people. They have been found to be toxic to laboratory animals and wildlife. Exposure to PFCs is widespread. Ditching non-stick pans, avoiding water and stain-resistant clothing, furniture and carpets are the best ways to avoid exposure.

11. Organophosphate pesticides

Organophosphate pesticides affect the nervous system by disrupting the enzyme that regulates the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. The Pesticide Action Network is particularly concerned about them as a number of fruits and vegetables are contaminated with these toxic pesticides. Buying organic produce is the best way to avoid exposure.

12. Glycol Ethers

Last but not least, glycol ethers are in a number of household products, including cleaning products, liquid soaps, and cosmetics. Animal studies have found reproductive and developmental effects from inhalation and oral exposure to glycol ethers. You can avoid exposure by reading labels and looking for ingredients such as 2-butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxydiglycol (DEGME).

It's important to avoid endocrine disrupters at any age but especially in menopause. Check out this video series we did with Leah Segedie from

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Taboos in Women's Health Mon, 08 Mar 2021 06:00:57 +0000 Do you remember the expression “You’ve come a long way, baby”? Since those words were first uttered in the 1960s as a slogan for Virginia Slims and also to highlight the progress women were fighting for, advances have been made in women’s health and women’s rights, but there’s still a long way to go. That […]

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Do you remember the expression “You’ve come a long way, baby”? Since those words were first uttered in the 1960s as a slogan for Virginia Slims and also to highlight the progress women were fighting for, advances have been made in women’s health and women’s rights, but there’s still a long way to go. That journey involves tackling the taboos related to women and women’s health. 

Society in general and some specific countries and cultures, in particular, have some taboos about certain naturally occurring events or health issues affecting women. Changing minds about these issues and helping taboos to disappear involves women educating themselves about the issues, embracing them, and assisting others to understand they are a normal part of life as a woman. 


Pain is a universal phenomenon. Yet women are sometimes told their pain is all in their head. The pain women often report is associated with severe menstrual symptoms, abdominal or pelvic pain during sex, or with conditions such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, or chronic fatigue syndrome. 

According to Abby Norman, author of Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women’s Pain, “doctors need to acknowledge that women are capable of knowing themselves” when it comes to pain. Women’s pain is frequently discounted, resulting in untreated health challenges, unnecessary suffering, and feelings of discouragement and despair.


Menopause is still a “hush-hush” topic in many parts of the world, even in developed ones. At the same time, jokes are made about hot flashes, mood swings, and other changes associated with hormonal fluctuations. Rather than be viewed as a natural part of life’s journey, it is viewed as an abnormality or a “disease” to be treated rather than a natural transition to be valued.  

One example can be seen in a recent survey concerning menopause in the workplace:

  • 63% of women said their life at work had been negatively impacted by their menopausal symptoms
  • 29% had a significant decline in self-confidence

One of the best ways to overcome this taboo, according to Dr. Nicky Keay, BA, MD, MB, BHir, MRCP, Durham University, Chief Medical Officer at Forth, lies with women themselves. “Understanding and being prepared for this phase in your life will mean you are in a good position to meet the challenges of this life stage and to maintain your quality of life.”

[Editor's Note: Naturally Savvy will soon be launching their Morphus for Menopause Website. In the meantime, you can watch our interviews on our YouTube Channel or if you prefer you can listen to our podcast. You can also follow on Instagram @WeAreMorphus.]

Read about urinary incontinence, eliminating this health taboo

Urinary incontinence

Sneezing, coughing, exercising, laughing, having sex—all of these activities can be associated with bladder leakage or urinary incontinence. In fact, the most common types of bladder weakness are leaks triggered by laughing, coughing, or exercising (known as stress incontinence) and a sudden urge to urinate (urge incontinence). 

It’s a myth that bladder weakness only affects older women. Dr. Nighat Arif, who specializes in women’s health, notes that “Whether you’re young or old, fit or not, you can experience leaks.” In a survey of more than 2,800 women, 66 percent said they had experienced bladder leakage. Nearly half of women said it occurred while exercising and while laughing was another significant cause. 

Urinary incontinence is not solely a female phenomenon. Studies show it occurs among men ranging from 5 to about 34 percent, depending on age.

[Editor's Note: For those needed some protection from leaks, Natracare has organic incontinence pads.]


If your compact falls out of your purse in a store, you probably don’t think twice about it. But if a tampon slips out, you may feel embarrassed or worse. Why? 

Despite the fact that women have been going through menstruation since time eternal, some people are still acting as though it is an embarrassing, dirty, bad, disgusting, or shameful occurrence. Some either pretend menstruation doesn’t exist or only speak about it in hushed tones.

In a survey of women, period leaks were listed as the second most embarrassing thing that could happen to women while she was exercising (beat only by urinary leakage). 

Sadly in some parts of the world, women don’t have access to sanitary pads or tampons, and women who are menstruating are forced to stop going to school, avoid social interactions, and are banned from religious services. Perhaps even worse is that a lack of education and access to menstrual hygiene items is associated with significant health problems. According to BBC Magazine, “Approximately 70% of all reproductive diseases in India are caused by poor menstrual hygiene.” This menstruation taboo is having significant health impacts among many Indian females.

Read about 7 shocking ways menstruation impacts people and mother earth

Urinary tract infections

News flash: urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur in 50 to 60 percent of adult women during their lifetime, and among women aged older than 65, the rate is about twice that seen in the general female population. UTIs seem to be synonymous with being female, yet men get urinary tract infections too, although you don’t hear much about them. 

Women, the general public, and the healthcare community need to step up and acknowledge how common these infections are and how they can interfere with the daily activities of both women and men. 

[Editor's Note: Utiva Health has a line of supplements with the clinically proven dose of PACs shown to relieve and prevent future UTIs. If you suspect you have a UTI, you can use one of their test strips to check in the comfort of your home. The test strips use the same test your doctor would use.]

Bottom line

Women’s health taboos are alive and, unfortunately, still circulating well. Women themselves can help squash these taboos by becoming educated about each of these issues and helping others better understand them. In addition, women need to support each other as they live through these health challenges. 

A study of menopause in the workplace. Forth 2019 Feb 19
Clemens JQ. Urinary incontinence in men. UpToDate
How taboos around menstruation are hurting women’s health. Smithsonian Magazine
Medina M, Castillo-Pino E. An introduction to the epidemiology and burden of urinary tract infections. Therapeutic advances in Urology 2019 Jan-Dec; 11
Menopause: the last great taboo. Forth 2021 Jan 6
Usmar J. These are the ‘taboo’ health topics you’re too embarrassed to talk about. Women’s Health 2020 Jan 15
Vaugh E. 7 women’s health topics we need to talk about in 2020. NPR 2020 Jan 2

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House Plants that Produce Oxygen Sat, 12 Dec 2020 06:00:04 +0000 How would you like to breathe easier and cleaner at home or in your office? You can do so by adding some selected house plants to your environment. Certain house plants are better than others at adding oxygen to your living space and improving the overall air quality in that space. House plants clean the […]

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How would you like to breathe easier and cleaner at home or in your office? You can do so by adding some selected house plants to your environment. Certain house plants are better than others at adding oxygen to your living space and improving the overall air quality in that space.

House plants clean the air

The science behind this suggestion has been around for decades and actually started with a trio of investigators with NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America. They reported that specific house plants were good at removing off-gassing elements from building materials and furnishings as well as air pollutants.

Read about houseplants as indoor air purifiers

Plants are a natural air purifier because they produce oxygen from carbon dioxide (which you exhale) while also helping remove toxins from the air. They perform this function not because they are concerned about our health but because it is what they do. Tiny openings in the leaves take in air, and the plant absorbs the carbon dioxide and other substances from that air.

While the plant uses carbon dioxide to make food, it then releases oxygen and water back into the air. Pollutants, on the other hand, are translocated to the roots of the plant, where they may be broken down, used by the plant, or released into the soil. 

The use of plants to remove harmful elements from the air is called phytoremediation. If you want to breathe easier at home or at work, feel good about the air your breathe, and know you are providing yourself and your family with better air quality, then consider adding one or more of the following air-purifying plants to your home or office space. We will even tell you how to make that plant flourish so you can reap the most benefits from it.

Which house plants clean the air

Aloe vera: This succulent is probably best known for its ability to help in the treatment of burns and cuts. However, it also takes in benzene and formaldehyde. If you want a healthy aloe vera, keep it in a sunny place. It also should be planted in a pot with many drainage holes, because the plant does not do well in standing water.

Areca palm: This tropical plant can live in just about any indoor environment. It has broad fronds that are adept at absorbing formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene. Be aware, however, that the areca palm can top 7 feet in height. If you purchase a small plant, it will grow about 6 to 10 inches a year in indirect sunlight. These plants do enjoy water and fertilizer.

Bamboo palm: This plant loves the tropics as well as bright, indirect sunlight. Placing the bamboo palm in your environment will help remove trichloroethylene, a toxin that can damage the kidneys and liver.

Care for your bamboo palm by watering it when the soil is dry. Never overwater the palm or let it sit in water or it will rot.

Boston ferns. This frond-rich plant not only helps improve oxygen levels. The Boston fern also assists in removing formaldehyde from the air. Exposure to formaldehyde is associated with irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, which suggests having a few Boston ferns in any area prone to formaldehyde exposure could be helpful. Items associated with formaldehyde exposure include cigarettes, carpet, permanent press fabrics, cleaning agents, fertilizers, cosmetics, paints, varnishes, preserved foods, and insulation for electrical uses. 

If you welcome a Boston fern into your environment, be prepared to give it a lot of space. The beautiful fronds enjoy soil that is rich in peat moss and is watered frequently and stays wet. You also should mist the plant once or twice a week for best growth.

plants for better air quality oxygen

Gerber (aka, Gerbera) daisies: If you like to color-coordinate your space, then Gerber daisies could be a good choice. These flowers are available in a variety of colors (e.g., bright red or orange, yellow, medium and striking pink, peach, light purple, and white) and sport broad, green leaves that absorb benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.

Gerber daisies enjoy direct sunlight and moist soil. For best results, don’t allow the soil to dry between waterings.

Read about 7 ways to improve indoor air quality at home

Peace lilies: Do you know which pollutants are lurking in your home or office? If two of them are benzene and trichloroethylene, then it’s time to get some peace lilies.

If you want to grow this beautiful plant, you should know they do not tolerate the cold and that they enjoy a warm, humid climate. They thrive in well-draining soil and indirect light.

Snake plant (aka, mother-in-law’s tongue). The snake plant comes in a combination of yellow and dark and light greens. It effectively removes formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene from the air. These toxins are often present in enclosed buildings.

This tough plant likes dry soil, so don’t water it too often because the roots can easily rot. Avoid getting the leaves wet when watering. Snake plants prefer indirect light.

Spider plant: If you want a plant that is super resilient and easy to care for, this is the one. Spider plants can absorb many different indoor pollutants while gracing your room with its long, flowing leaves.

Be sure to give your spider plant lots of bright yet indirect light. It does best in well-drained soil and when the soil is allowed to dry out between waterings.

Weeping fig: This official tree of Bangkok will look great and perform well in any room, but especially those with carpeting and furniture that may be off-gassing. That’s because the weeping fig helps remove pollutants from these items.

You can keep your weeping fig healthy by providing consistent temperatures and lots of indirect sunlight. Provide the plant with well-draining soil and only water it when the first 2 inches of soil are dry.

Bottom line

Using house plants in your home or office is a great, eco-friendly way to clean the air of toxins. Let us know which house plants you are welcoming into your bedroom, home, or office!

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Toxic substances portal—formaldehyde. 2008 Sep
Arnold R. The 10 best plants to improve the air quality of your home.
New York Botanical Gardens.
Plant Snap. 5 house plants that produce the most oxygen. 2018 Nov 21
Wolverton BC et al. Interior landscape plants for indoor air pollution abatement. NASA 1989 Sep 15


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11 Ways to Relieve Stress in Your Life Tue, 08 Dec 2020 12:00:36 +0000 Do you know the secret to relieving stress in your life? Take action. Worrying about it only fuels the fire. If you really want to help reduce or eliminate stress and anxiety in your life, then identify several activities or methods that you enjoy and that fit into your lifestyle and make them a part […]

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Do you know the secret to relieving stress in your life? Take action. Worrying about it only fuels the fire. If you really want to help reduce or eliminate stress and anxiety in your life, then identify several activities or methods that you enjoy and that fit into your lifestyle and make them a part of your stress-reduction routine. Where should you begin? How about right here!

Read about healthy habits for managing stress and anxiety

Laugh it up

Genuine belly-busting laughter not only reduces the physical downfalls of stress, such as headache and fatigue; it also lifts your spirits. Forced laughter doesn’t have the same impact, so feel it in your soul. Watch your favorite comedians, movies, or YouTube videos. Get together with friends who know how to laugh it up. Laughter is the best medicine!

Smell the aroma

Scents have the power to soothe and calm the mind and body. Essential oils are believed to act directly on the brain’s emotional centers. Breathe in the aromas of oils shown to help promote calm, such as lavender, rose, rosemary, clary sage, and chamomile. Use an essential oil diffuser, a spritzer, add oils to your bath, or breathe in their aroma from a cotton ball or soft cloth.

Tune in to music

Music is a universal language that has the ability to alleviate stress hormones (cortisol) and thus help promote calm. Music has the ability to dampen levels of the hormone, cortisol, and ease stress in the process. Tune into your favorite music whenever you can to help ease tension and stress. If possible, don’t be afraid to break into a dance as well! Moving to music is another way to rein in stress and anxiety. Work it out!

Visualize tranquility

Your mind is a powerful tool, so let’s use it! If you’ve never tried guided visualization, you may soon discover it is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. A great way to start is to listen to a guided imagery recording to help you visualize a sensory experience, such as walking on a beach, exploring a flower-filled meadow, or frolicking with puppies in a field. You pick a scene that appeals to you and then envision the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This visualization can take you away from your worries.

Try Magic

You don’t need a magician to get this stress relief. Magic Bag is a product that comes in a variety of forms that can provide stress relief and pain reduction. Each Magic Bag item is a hot compress when you heat it in a microwave and a cold compress when stored in the freezer. These bags are filled with organic grains chosen for their ability to release moist heat. Each Magic Bag conforms to the shape of any body part for children or adults. Whether you need a travel pad, a neck to back pad, aromatherapy mittens or slippers, or character mini pads for kids, Magic Bag has a stress-reducing solution for you and your family. What a great holiday gift!

Magic BagMagic Bag

Breathe it away

This simple yet effective technique can be practiced just about anywhere. One popular breathing process is 4-7-8: breath in deeply through your nose to the count of 4; hold the breath for a count of 7, then release your breath through your mouth to a count of 8. Repeat this routine at least five to seven more times, and do it several times a day. Deep breathing can be combined with other anxiety-reducing techniques, such as guided visualization, meditation, and progressive relaxation.

Take a staycation

It isn’t always possible to hop into a car or plane and take a vacation, but you can take a staycation. Even if it’s only for a few hours (but hopefully it can be a bit longer), shut off your phone, put a “do not disturb” sign on your office or home door, tell your family and friends you are “away,” and just do something for you alone. Read a book you’ve been dying to read. Watch a movie. Take a walk in the park. Soak in an herbal bath with a cup of green tea. Get a massage. You deserve a staycation!


Here’s the skinny on meditation: you don’t have to worry about “doing it right.” Meditation is a practice. Relax into it. You also don’t need to sit cross-legged for hours. Some people meditate while walking (walking meditation), washing dishes, or sitting in their garden. Twenty minutes a day can be helpful and is a great start. The only “secret” to meditation is practicing it, and daily is highly recommended. There are various techniques, and mindfulness is one of the more popular ones. You can watch many meditation videos and instructions on YouTube, in your library, and in group and individual classes in the community.

Read about 5 ways to reduce stress and boost your mood naturally


Not for a picture, but with yoga! Dozens of yoga poses support and promote relaxation, and you don’t have to be a gymnast to do them. You can get professional instruction in classes or online. (Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.) A 15-minute yoga program several times a week (or daily if possible) can relax your body and mind and help you get through the day. Yoga also can help reduce muscle pain, aid digestion, and improve sleep.

Try progressive relaxation

If you want to experience a sense of relaxation from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, then progressive relaxation is for you. Get into a comfortable position lying down or sitting. Beginning with your toes, tense each muscle group in your body, hold it for a few seconds, and then release. Work your way up to your body (and don’t forget your arms and fingers!). Be sure to include your facial muscles, including your forehead. Playing soothing music in the background is a nice touch!

Move it

A tried-and-true way to banish stress and tension is exercise. Jogging, a game of tennis or racketball, swimming, Zumba, a brisk walk, lifting weights, or other physical activity can raise endorphin levels, which helps relieve pain and lifts mood. Research shows that people feel calmer and that the relaxing effect lasts for several hours after a 20- to 30-minute exercise session.

when your feeling stressed

Bottom line

Stress is a part of life, and a little stress is actually healthy. However, unmanaged stress can cause inflammation throughout the body, muscle aches and pains, anxiety, irritability, loss of sleep, and other negative impacts. Thankfully there are some wonderful, natural, effective ways to get stress under control and live your life to the fullest. Try one or more of these stress management techniques and feel better soon!

Read this next: What You Should Know About Stress and Collagen

Bubnis D. What are the health benefits of yoga? Medical News Today 2019 Sep 23
Chamine I, Oken BS. Expectancy of stress-reducing aromatherapy effect and performance on a stress-sensitive cognitive task. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015; 2015:419812.
Jackson EM. FACSM stress relief: the role of exercise in stress management. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 2013 May/June; 17(3):14-19
Li Y et al. Progressive muscle relaxation improves anxiety and depression of pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015; article 792895.
Linnemann A et al. Music listening as a means of stress reduction in daily life. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 Oct; 60:82-90
Nguyen J, Brymer E. Nature-based guided imagery as an intervention for state anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology 2018 Oct 2
Zaccaro A et al. How breath-control can change your life: A systematic review on psycho-physiological correlates of slow breathing. Frontiers inhuman Neuroscience 2018; 12:353.

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4 Reasons You Need A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Your Home Sat, 21 Nov 2020 06:00:36 +0000 I have a friend who has had a Himalayan salt lamp in her home office for years. Since I don’t have one, I asked her why she did and whether she thought it would be worth it for me to get one too. Her response was something like, “Well, it seems to make the energy […]

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I have a friend who has had a Himalayan salt lamp in her home office for years. Since I don’t have one, I asked her why she did and whether she thought it would be worth it for me to get one too. Her response was something like, “Well, it seems to make the energy in the room better…something about negative ions but I’m not really sure what they are or how the lamp works.”

She’s not alone. For those of us who have forgotten their high school science classes, here is a quick refresher on salt, ions, and electromagnetic fields, which can help us better understand the theory behind the Himalayan salt lamp.

How Himalayan Salt Lamps Work

First of all, true Himalayan salt is an extremely pure pinkish salt extracted from deep mines in Khewra, Pakistan. Each mineral-rich hunk of salt (which also harbors calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and potassium) is hollowed out and a light bulb is placed inside, which triggers the salt’s healing qualities. Salt, in general, has several basic qualities, including the ability to attract molecules of water from the surrounding environment, loosen mucus (thus the use of nasal saline and neti pots), and fight bacteria and inflammation.

As salt removes water from the air, it also gathers up pollen, pollutants, mold, and other airborne particles. A lit, heated Himalayan salt lamp attracts these water molecules and other substances and traps them in the lamp. Because the lamp is heated, the salt dries and retains the pollutants while emitting the water vapor.

Himalayan salt lamps reportedly release negative ions (which, ironically, have a positive impact on health) and help negate the positive ones. Negative ions can neutralize electromagnetic radiation and help improve the balance of negative and positive ions in your environment, similar to the way beneficial bacteria (probiotics) help balance the microorganism flora in your gut.

Read about if your sea salt is contaminated with plastic

Where do the negative ions come in?

If you are reading this article on your cell phone, laptop, or tablet, then you are exposed to unhealthy positive ions from electromagnetic radiation. Such ions also come from microwaves, overhead power lines, medical x-rays, and other sources. Scientists have been exploring the negative effects of exposure to such ions, which can include headaches, fatigue, and compromised immune function, as well as contribute to heart disease and other health problems.

Read about the science behind electromagnetic fields

Health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps

Although no scientific research has focused on the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps, anecdotal reports, as well as evidence offered by studies of salt in general, indicate that Himalayan salt lamps may be worth lighting up your life. In addition to the two aforementioned health benefits (e.g., improving air quality and eliminating airborne pollutants), here are several other health reasons to get a Himalayan salt lamp.

health benefits Himalayan salt lamp

Himalayan Salt Lamps improve mood

Although research is limited, there is some evidence that exposure to negative ions can improve mood and reduce depression. In a review and meta-analysis of 33 studies that evaluated the effects of air ionization on mood, depression, and anxiety, the Chicago-based researchers found that “Negative air ionization was associated with lower depression scores particularly at the highest exposure level.”

Himalayan Salt Lamps ease symptoms of allergy and asthma

Salt therapy (aka, halotherapy) is used to treat people who have respiratory conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, so it’s not much of a stretch to see how Himalayan salt could also be helpful for allergy and asthma symptoms. In fact, Himalayan salt is used in some inhalers for asthma patients, and salt caves are found in spas.

Himalayan Salt Lamps promote a calming effect

In addition to the calming effect we may experience when gazing at a glowing Himalayan salt lamp, there is also the possibility that the negative ions can boost levels of serotonin in the bloodstream. Higher levels of this “happiness” hormone and neurotransmitter can relieve stress and anxiety, which can also translate into better sleep.

Himalayan Salt Lamps increases energy levels

Negative ions are everywhere in nature, and it’s been shown that spending time outdoors in nature enhances our energy levels. Positive ions, on the other hand, drain our energy. Therefore, exposure to Himalayan salt lamps may energize you.

Is my lamp real or fake?

For those who are considering buying a Himalayan salt lamp, it’s a case of buyer beware. Fake lamps are everywhere, but if you are careful, you can be relatively assured of getting the real deal. Therefore, here are a few tips to help you determine a real versus a fake lamp.

Review the return policy. Although not an iron-clad rule, any company that has a “no return, no refund” policy is suspect. It takes some time-usually about a month or more to determine whether you are getting any benefits from the lamp. Therefore, a reliable refund policy is a must.

Is it fragile or durable? This is a tricky feature since a real Himalayan salt lamp should be somewhat fragile. If you were to drop your lamp, a real one would break or be significantly damaged, while a fake one might weather the trauma without a scratch. That’s why it’s important to not bump or drop your lamp.

How much light does it emit? Don’t expect to get a lot of light from a real Himalayan salt lamp. If the lamp you bought lights up the room, that’s suspicious, since the best you can expect from the real deal is a subdued glow.

Check the label. Real Himalayan salt lamps originate from underground mines in Khewra, Pakistan, which is the only known source of the pink salt. Check to see what the manufacturer says about the origin of the salt, and don’t be fooled by a statement that the lamp was assembled in Pakistan.

Look for sweat. Real salt lamps sweat when they are exposed to moisture, so bring your lamp into the bathroom with you when you shower. A sweaty lamp is a good sign.

Is anything happening? If you have spent time with your lamp every day or nearly every day for a month and you have not experienced any benefits, then there’s a chance you have a fake. However, perhaps your lamp is too small for your room. Generally, you need one pound of Himalayan salt for every 16 square feet of space. Therefore, a five-pound lamp should be sufficient for a small office space of 90 square feet (or 10 x 9 ft).

Himalayan salt lamp safety issues

Because a real Himalayan salt lamp is somewhat fragile, be sure to place it where it will not be subject to being knocked over by a child or an overzealous cat or dog. Also, prolonged exposure of the lamp to high humidity can cause the salt crystals to melt, which can be dangerous if the liquid leaks onto the lamp holder.

Bottom Line

Should you get a Himalayan salt lamp? Will you experience rewarding health benefits from its pinkish glow? Although there is no hard science behind use of these lamps, associated research into salt therapy suggests they can be helpful, and there are many anecdotal reports of their benefits. Try one today. It also makes a great gift.

Axe J. Himalayan salt lamp benefits + real vs. fake salt lamps
Bar-Yoseph R et al. Halotherapy as asthma treatment in children: a randomized, controlled, prospective pilot study. Pediatric Pulmonology 2016 Oct 10
Perez V et al. Air ions and mood outcomes: a review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry 2013 Jan 15; 13:29
Segell M. Is electrosmog harming our health? NBC News

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How do we maintain our healthy lifestyle through the holiday season? Fri, 20 Nov 2020 12:00:04 +0000 We’ve tackled back-to-school; albeit, we’re still learning. Canadians have enjoyed their first feast of the fall season, Thanksgiving, and the United States will be enjoying there's soon. But how do we maintain our healthy lifestyle and positive perspective with cases rising, flu season around the corner and the holidays drawing near? What was once – […]

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We’ve tackled back-to-school; albeit, we’re still learning. Canadians have enjoyed their first feast of the fall season, Thanksgiving, and the United States will be enjoying there's soon. But how do we maintain our healthy lifestyle and positive perspective with cases rising, flu season around the corner and the holidays drawing near? What was once – and likely will always be – considered the most wonderful time of the year has seemingly flipped into a familiar script where we’ll be forced to distance and celebrate through virtual screens or bubbles of 10 or less… not the holiday spirit we’re typically looking forward to.

So how do we keep going?

The best protection is finding a connection to yourself, family, and friends during these uncertain times. While we look to find a way to reduce stress, here are some tips to keep you, your family and friends, spirits high, lifestyles healthy, and perspective positive:

  • Eat healthy and create a nourishing environment for yourself and family. Think healthy whole foods packed with flavourful options.
  • Relax and practice self-care – create a spa day for yourself with essential oils. These oils have allowed me to create a balanced environment for myself and family.
  • Start a mindfulness practice – focus on the present and limit your exposure to media.
  • Listen to your body and connect with nature.
  • Get plenty of sleep.

Read about Stress, Sleep, and Natural Strategies That Work

What’s worked for me?

In combination with a variety of pure essential oils, derived naturally from plants, natural health products, personal protective masks, healthy eating, and a positive outlook, I have been able to find a balanced shift in how I manage my personal anxiety, which has a direct impact on my family.

Poor diet, lack of exercise, and an overabundance of environmental toxins can leave the body unbalanced and diminish energy levels.

Did you know, essential oils and essential oil-infused products can be added to your food to provide the targeted solutions you need to restore balance and feel your best?

Read about 5 Essential Oils for a Strong Immune System + Recipes

I strongly believe that a plant-based foundation is directly connected to building a strong immune system and allows our bodies to detox naturally. In combination with essential oils, which include aromatic diffusion, topical application, and dietary consumption, you can add the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals to your home, family, and life.

My wish for you is that you find inspiration through these tips in combination with your own personal approach.

Read this next: Natural Fragrances to Scent Your Home this Holiday Season

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The Facts About Elderberry and Cytokine Storms Thu, 29 Oct 2020 21:28:06 +0000 In times like these, it’s sometimes hard to determine what information is legitimate and what should be ignored. There have, for example, been some inaccurate reports about the potential effects of using elderberry to help support your immune system when it comes to a virus and more specifically during this pandemic. Quite simply, there is […]

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In times like these, it’s sometimes hard to determine what information is legitimate and what should be ignored. There have, for example, been some inaccurate reports about the potential effects of using elderberry to help support your immune system when it comes to a virus and more specifically during this pandemic. Quite simply, there is no valid correlation between elderberry and Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), or a “cytokine storm.”

Here are the facts:

  • There are no reported cases of elderberry and cytokine storms.
  • The only data related to elderberry and elevated cytokines is from a European study using only healthy volunteers. This study demonstrated that elderberry may work partly as a preventive measure.
  • The association between elderberry and cytokine storm is not probable; elderberry is unlikely to be able to cause cytokine storm whether it is used during infection or as a preventive measure.

Understanding cytokines

There are many kinds of cytokines, which are proteins made by the immune system that serve as chemical messengers. Basically, cytokines are cell signaling molecules that facilitate cell-to-cell communication in immune responses. Cytokines are involved in many aspects of inflammation and immunity. This includes stimulating the movement of cells towards sites of inflammation, infection, and trauma.

A cytokine storm is an excessive immune response. It may happen during the later stages of severe illness, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or sepsis. By the time a person experiences a cytokine storm in a respiratory distress situation, they would most likely be in a significantly compromised state. They may even be in the ICU on life-saving respiration equipment with care being managed by medical professionals.

Read: 8 Immune System Boosting Foods

Immune system support with elderberry

There is a long history of using elderberry for immune support*. Culinary and folk medicinal use of the berries and flowers goes back thousands of years. Used as a herb, elderberry works in a variety of ways in the body. Herbs are generally believed to support physiology, rather than act as overt stimulants.

A study done using Sambucol elderberry syrup suggested that elderberry may support a beneficial cytokine production in healthy individuals. The study did not suggest that elderberry would cause a cytokine storm in situations where the immune system is taxed by an underlying condition. Additional studies have found that elderberry did not stimulate cytokine production. (Remember, there are many kinds of cytokines.)

Bottom Line

What does this mean to you and your family?

  • There are no reported cases or associations of elderberry and cytokine storm.
  • The only data on elderberry and elevated cytokines is from a study using only healthy volunteers. This means all we know is that when elderberry is used as a preventive measure, it may work partially in this manner.
  • Elderberry is not likely to be capable of causing cytokine storm whether used for prevention of infection, or during an infection.



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