Make-Ahead Chilled Gazpacho

Make-Ahead Chilled Gazpacho

This easy make-ahead soup is an interesting and refreshing starter dish. Served chilled, it is a delicious conversation starter and a great way to use summer vegetables. Consider serving this gazpacho at your next summer potluck or BBQ.


2 cups vegetable stock

2 cups tomato juice

2 tbsp lemon juice

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2 tbsp salsa verde or green taco sauce

1 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp garlic salt

1/8 tsp pepper

1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and coarsely chopped

1 green pepper, seeded and diced

4 large tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped

3 green onions (including tops), thinly sliced

Fresh basil or parsley for garnish

Read more about summer salads and healthy snacks


In a 3-quart pan over medium heat, combine stock, tomato juice, lemon juice, taco sauce, sugar, garlic salt, and pepper. Leave uncovered and bring to a boil.

Leave some of the chopped vegetables for garnish. Stir the remaining cucumber, green pepper, tomatoes, and onion into the liquid; bring mixture, uncovered to a boil again.

Remove from heat and cool.

Puree the mixture, cover and refrigerate until well chilled.

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Randy is the co-founder of and The Healthy Shopper. She has been working in the natural health industry for over 20 years. She is very passionate about healthy living by choosing natural and organic as much as possible, has a personal love of cooking and sharing healthy recipes and is a fitness enthusiast.