Chocolate Protein Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Protein Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

This pudding packs a serious nutritional punch. Walnuts, coconut, and cacao all boast incredible health benefits, and chia is one of the most nutritionally complete foods found in nature. In addition to being an excellent fiber source, chia is a great plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, consisting of about 20 percent protein, and containing high levels of antioxidants, calcium, magnesium and iron.


2 tbsp chia seeds

1 cup of water (or rice, almond, or soy milk)

½ scoop of protein powder

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1 tbsp of crushed walnuts

1 tsp of unsweetened coconut shavings

1 tsp of raw cacao nibs

Read more about the health benefits of chocolate (cacao)


Mix protein powder with water/milk in a separate mixing container or blender. Add chia seeds to a bowl, glass or container that you will be eating from. Add liquid “protein shake” to the chia seeds, stir and let sit for preferably an hour in the refrigerator (or, if you’re in a rush, a minimum of 10 minutes). Take out of the refrigerator and top off with walnuts, coconut and cacao nibs. Enjoy!

Image: chotda

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Danielle Wesierski is an international model turned Holistic Nutritionist (CNP) with a passion for food and culture. The desire to look and feel your best, combined with the importance of eating whole foods, inspired these recipes that transform healthy food into flavorful dishes! Visit her blog for more recipes