Thriving as an Empath

Naturally Savvy Podcast

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Show Summary

Empaths tend to struggle with self-care. They often give too much at the expense of their own well-being — and end up absorbing the stress of others.

Empaths are individuals who are very sensitive, deep, and loving towards others.

It's a beautiful characteristic to have, but oftentimes empaths struggle with self-care. They often give too much at the expense of their own well-being — and end up absorbing the stress of others.

In her book, Thriving as an Empath, Judith Orloff, MD, writes, “To stay healthy and happy, you must be ready with daily self-care practices that work.” A few practices she advises include:

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  • Setting strong boundaries
  • Protecting your energy
  • Inoculating yourself against stress and overwhelm
  • Self-soothing techniques
  • Knowing that it is not your job to take on the world’s stress
  • Breaking the momentum of sensory overload
  • Tapping the vitality of all four seasons and the elements
  • Deepening your connection with the cycles of nature
  • Moving out of clock-based time into “sacred time"

Listen as Dr. Orloff joins Lisa Davis to share insights from the book and how you can grow and flourish without internalizing the emotions and pain of others.

Show Notes

[1:40] What is an empath?

[2:55] Why empathic self-care is so essential.

[3:10] Daily-self care techniques.

[4:50] Be discerning about where your energy goes and about energy vampires.

[6:52] The gift of being different.

[8:32] Empaths and addiction.

[10:00] Back with more techniques for self-care.

[11:01] Why it's important to listen to your body and how you respond energetically.

[11:30] Heart focused meditation.

[13:20] Why empaths may want to sleep alone.

[17:30] How you may benefit from minimalism.

[18:45] You and your animals and your empathic connection to them.

[21:30] Autism and increased sensitivity.

[24:00] Final positive messages for empaths.

Show Links

Visit Dr. Judith Orloff, MD's website

Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days of Self-Care for Sensitive People

The Empath's Empowerment Journal: Your Self-Care Companion

Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes

Show Sponsor: Natracare

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Lisa Roth Collins is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) and is the Marketing Manager at She is passionate about health and wellness and tries her best to make healthier choices every day for herself and her family. Her journey to natural health was driven by her own struggles with digestive discomfort, depression, and anxiety. Lisa returned to school in 2014 to study nutrition at the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition. She threw herself into her studies so she could learn as much as she could to help herself feel better and thrive. Upon completing the program and being certified as an RHN, Lisa began her work at Naturally Savvy where she has been able to help so many people learn to make healthier choices for themselves. Through her work, she has connected with so many incredible people in the industry whether other authors, influencers, or brands. Plus, she is affectionately known as "Techie Spice" because of her ability to wrap her head around technology. Every day she gets up with a renewed sense of energy and ready to make a difference. You can read all of Lisa's content here. In her spare time, Lisa loves to try new recipes, make delicious and nourishing meals, and she is an avid reader. For more information about Lisa, check out her profile on here.